
Yeah what kind of dumb assholes who can’t even cook do sous vide?

Yeah what kind of dumb assholes who can’t even cook do sous vide?

I play it in the classroom all the time and kids love it. I also say “This is me breathing” whenever I get irritated as my own personal inside joke.

This happens for a variety of EdTech web-based programs I need to use for teaching, and it happens pretty regularly. For example - block off a night to grade essays, and sure enough the web-based submission and plagiarism checking service is down. Need to enter grades? Our online grade book is down. 

If you work in an office or, like me, a classroom, a good stapler is a necessity. It’s like $8 more than a bad stamped metal and plastic to get a good, heavy duty Swingline. If you pick up a stapler, you should feel like it’s heavy enough to use as a personal defense weapon. Plus, bad ones jam and crack. Get a good

One of my favorite parts of the World War Z book is that the Imfigo (sp?) in the West Indies uses these!

The exact reason we’re asking is because the school won’t do that. I agree it would make sense but that’s not the reality of most schools.

Every year I get bitchy emails from parents about kleenex. They always complain about having to send kleenex. Here’s the reality: I have 150 kids a day in my room. From day one to the last day, there’s at least 5 kids sniffling and sneezing. It’s about half during cold/flu season and during spring allergy season.

No, it hasn’t “always” been a way to show public fetishizing of our big green killpower. That happened after 9/11 when everyone was trying to out-America everyone else. There weren’t compulsory field-sized US flags and B-2 flyovers of little league Sunday tournaments. I’d say I’m sorry to hear about these owners’ two

Thank you for including some fishing deals! I love the outdoors deals.

Thank you for including some fishing deals! I love the outdoors deals.

Snagged it for my partner. This made it cheaper than Rakuten even with the 20% coupon, although I used the coupon on Rakuten for the Versa. As a quick note, Rakuten has cancelled my order for a Fitbit using the coupon twice saying they can’t “verify my payment”on PayPal, but I use PayPal all the time for other

Snagged it for my partner. This made it cheaper than Rakuten even with the 20% coupon, although I used the coupon on

#5 hits home for me.

Tom Hank’s

Snagged a new work bag from that REI Clearance Sale. Great deal. Thanks as always.

Snagged a new work bag from that REI Clearance Sale. Great deal. Thanks as always.

Also, I meant to write I’m NOT going to argue the white supremacist’s side. I suck.

Oh I’m sorry. The way the page laid out for me, the story about the Florida teacher who was bragging about dl pushing white supremacy was right above my comment. I was commenting on the teacher who is the main subject of the article. Sorry for any confusion.

I generally follow this rule: “whatever you believe, I believe the opposite.” Obviously I’m going to argue a white supremacist’s side, but if you think we should save the whales, I’ll argue the side of the whaling industry. If you think everyone should own a gun, I’ll argue for repeal of the 2nd Amendment. It has

Can we stop calling subs “teachers”? In most states there’s no educational component to getting a sub certificate. They’re fill-in adults and sometimes not even then.

Personally, I think it’s an “Occam’s Razor” situation: he simply can’t read.

I was just broadly summarizing. You’re correct.

I still wonder if, despite that space was usually a place of common understanding, some Strangelovian character at NASA built in a top secret button somewhere on the outside of the ISS to override the airlock controls.