
I have students who will literally spend hours on the internet looking for ways to beat plagiarism checking software for 1 paragraph writing submissions. People are nuts.

In a parking lot a lady in a red Mitsubishi Eclipse parked about 1/8th inch from my driver’s side door. She was still inside the car when I got there. When I waved to ask her to back out of the spot to re-park, she gave me the middle finger and pointed that she was on the phone. I got in through the passenger seat.

Can I ask a question for anyone on here who’s a patent/trademark whiz? I saw that RTIC settled with YETI but isn’t the XCHEF one above basically the same thing? Do companies just make a product and run as long as they can until another company comes by to challenge their IP? Is it like whack-a-mole trying for YETI to

Can I ask a question for anyone on here who’s a patent/trademark whiz? I saw that RTIC settled with YETI but isn’t

I have 2 30oz, 2 20oz, and a 10oz rocks glass. I also have a 30oz handle. I have yet to have any problems with any of them. I use them all the time for all types of drinks. When I want to clean, I boil water in the kettle and drop in two denture cleaning tabs. They are $2 for about 200. They clean to new with no

I have 2 30oz, 2 20oz, and a 10oz rocks glass. I also have a 30oz handle. I have yet to have any problems with any

A nice touch!

I echo what all the other funnier people than me have said throughout this thread but I wanted to go in a different direction: how about a HUGE shout out to the SNL props and makeup crews?

You wildcat, you.

They also gave Teddy what I think is a pretty spectacular National Forest to the East of RMNP. I know this was National Parks. If we want to get REALLY crazy, we could rank all the National places to include parks, battlefields, historic sites, etc. There’s some tough choice there. Bracket, anyone?

From sunny Orlando. (The lights are on)

I would just caution to always be careful using liquid of any kind around light switches. They are safer but nothing using electricity, especially line voltage, is 100% safe. Kids push the toggle out of whack and can be hard on cover plates, loosening screws. Combine that with liquid cleaner and static in dry winter

Yup. I had a student (high school) who was super-libertarian and always rattled on in class about how great it was...until Dad got hurt at work and the student forgot all about his libertarianism and then complained how the government wasn’t giving his family enough to live on.

I’m a high school teacher. One day during summer school I parked in the back of the student lot since the teacher lot was being repaved. At 6:45 am, I watched a female student straight chug about a 1/5th a bottle of Cuervo silver while sitting in the driver seat of her car. She got out, walked in to the building, and

This will certainly leave more time for assholes to eat out.

That’s exactly what I do! If it’s a whiskey sour, pass. If’s it has cucumber muddled mescal with herbs from Antigua and chili salt from Bolivia, I’m in. I’m never going to buy all that crap or go to the effort otherwise.

I’d like to add something else to the discussion, and that is what other destructive behaviors these can lead to.

Fredo also thought he was smart and deserved respect. Never go fishing with Fredo.


Likewise I have a friend who owns an italian deli near me. Got a 2 star rating because, according to the review, the customer was mad they didn’t have Chinese food. Chinese...food. In some ways I like Yelp but in some ways I just can’t stand the dumbassery that goes on there.

I knocked $66 down to $45 with a stacked no rush discount, free shipping, and some coupons on individual products. The $10 off $60 was awesome.

I knocked $66 down to $45 with a stacked no rush discount, free shipping, and some coupons on individual products.

I have no military experience (both grandpas were in WWII, though) but both of them saw bad stuff and never wanted to talk about it again. Your end reminds me, though, of the movie “The Last Castle” where Redford plays a general who gets sent to a military prison and meets the prison commander who has a bullet