
The worst technology purchase, bar none, that I have ever made was a Toshiba laptop I bought 2005. It was a nightmare, especially when it overheated and shut down during presentations. 

That Remington HC4250 is wonderful. I only wish it had some longer guards. 

That Remington HC4250 is wonderful. I only wish it had some longer guards. 

Cap’n Crunch and Grape Nuts!

I am totally going to try that cereal hack. 

I am a pastor whose job it is to oversee other pastors and churches. Yesterday, I was out driving when my assistant texted me and said there was a tornado in the area, near some of our congregations. I was just down the road from that area, so I went to see how things looked.

My oldest decided not to start freshman year of college because of COVID, so she will be home to make my youngest stick to her 100% virtual learning. If things had not worked out this way, I don’t know what we would have done.

I always liked Regis. I was also surprised to learn that he is the father-in-law of Michael Schur who played Mose on The Office.

Off World Vehicles would be a totally awesome name for a techno band.

iOS 14 Beta Hints Smaller iPhones Are Back on the Menu:

An example of a time when Abraham Lincoln refused to enable his step-brother:

I had been thinking about switching from Chrome to Safari on my Mac and this article inspired me to do so today. I am so glad I did, and it was easier than I thought, especially moving my passwords.

I once had a professional review my resume, and he gave me good advice, saying “Your resume makes it clear that you are the kind of person who does a lot of things. You should find a way to communicate you are the kind of person who makes things happen.”

I have a kid going into middle school (6th grade) and one going into college, and I am about ready to have the college kid take a gap year and stay home so that the 6th grader can study from home.

We are about 23 business days before the supposed start of school and they are still sending surveys to parents. There is no way they age going to be doing this responsibly. 

My wife is a public school teacher, and we were just talking the other night about how if anyone thinks these mask non-wearers are going to take their kid’s temperature before every school day and keep them home when their are sick, they are out of their minds. I am terrified for her.

A) I have to say I am totally on board with the verbing of the word “waffle.”

For some reason, it is coming up as $23 for me, even with the coupon.

For some reason, it is coming up as $23 for me, even with the coupon.

Steve Jobs once said that he wanted OSX to be so beautiful that people would want to lick it. I don’t want to lick this, based on these images.

I may try this. I have been looking for a good pillow since October, but I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. I tried an inflatable pillow, but it would Pop. I tried another synthetic pillow, but it made a strange noise, sort of a Rattle and Hum. I hope this pillow is worth the money because if it isn’t, Boy,

I may try this. I have been looking for a good pillow since October, but I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.

You literally made me laugh out loud.