
I just love Brian May.

I am using this mouse as I write this. For less than $20, it is unbeatable. I don’t realize how much I appreciate it until I use another mouse.

I am using this mouse as I write this. For less than $20, it is unbeatable. I don’t realize how much I appreciate it

I’m still waiting for “Hal.”

I was able to purchase a large tree for the price of a medium this year by buying one with mud on it. Saved about $20. 

My youngest daughter just barely missed the cutoff to start school a year earlier (she was born in October). My wife (a teacher) was afraid our daughter would be bored spending an extra year in preschool and was ready to push for her to get an exemption and start school early, but what kept us from doing it was

This is all I wanted for Christmas. I was just thinking this morning how great it would be to have only one music service to use/pay for. Very excited.

This article is filled with good advice. Almost twenty years ago, I went from working in a small, urban office to working alone in a home office in a rural community and I almost lost my mind at first. Creating routines including being the one who drove my child to preschool in the morning helped, because I still had

This is so true. A church I once pastored had a food pantry, and we could purchase non-perishable food for pennies on the dollar from larger regional food banks and then provide it to our clients, which was a better deal than anyone could get at the grocery store. It was also nice when we had money, because we could

I love Anne Lamott. I can’t wait to listen to this.

I have an 11" MacBook Air that I purchased refurbished a couple of years ago, and I really like it. Most of the time, I have it connected to a 32" monitor, but when I need to carry it around, it is a great size for doing so. They battery life could be better, but other than that, it is my favorite Mac that I’ve owned.

I just realized I can do this on my iPhone in Swiftkey. Trying it now.

In 2016, I purchased two cars from CarMax in three months, and both cars are lemons. The notion that they check their used cars more thoroughly than anyone else is horseshit. Never fucking again.


I have found Boomerang a great add-in for Gmail. It can parse a date in an email and turn it into a link. Hover over the link, and it shows your GCal for that day in a popup box. Click on the link, and turns the email into a calendar event. It even can do a pretty good job of guessing the location of the event and add

I asked them this question and this is what they said:

A long, long time ago, this work was done by humans. My grandfather, who worked for the highway department in Virginia, did it. He called it “counting traffic.” He had a wooden board that had those little metal devices that you click to count things mounted on it, one for each lane of traffic. He would sit at whatever

AAAND I just logged into iCloud and it is still showing up. How can I get rid of this?

This happened to me. I sold a Macbook Pro for parts and then I started seeing “Isabella’s Macbook Pro” show up in iCloud on the other side of the country.

I can relate to this. I quit drinking beer by replacing it with Perrier. Each and every time I craved the booze, I’d grab a bottle of the bubbly water. I feel much better and lost a lot of weight.

I’m pretty sure that guy is Animal from the Muppet Show.