
I love this guy.

I would like an app that adds a notch to my iPhone SE, so I can be like the cool kids.

Fine on my SE as well.

Ambient 1: Music for Airports by Brian Eno

Ordering a Kindle book because I was too lazy to drive a mile to my office to pick up the paper copy I already owned.

These sponges are great for cleaning the white keys of Apple keyboards.

These sponges are great for cleaning the white keys of Apple keyboards.

Poquoson! I used to live in Newport News, and we went to Poquoson all the time to go the the Crab Cake House.

I am a pastor, and I served a church once where a woman would come to classes in the evenings once a week. She asked me the first time to turn off the Wi-Fi during the class because it gave her headaches. Some weeks, I got busy and forgot, and she could walk in the building and instantly tell me if the Wi-Fi was on.

Came here for this comment, was not disappointed.

I’d love to have this in my Camry.

I am not making this up: in the small town I used to live in (Virginia), there was a place that got on one of these signs under the heading of “Attractions.” It was, I kid you not, an old folks home.

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for the builders to see that view. In a time before aircraft, a view like that would have been unimaginable.

I have been a pastor since my mid-twenties (eighteen years), and I find it a very rewarding profession. I love the rigorous educational requirements and I love caring for people. In my experience, it is a field that allows for and rewards creativity and problem solving. There is also the team-building aspect, the

Does anyone know if it is possible to get Outlook with Mac to sync calendars with Outlook.com?