
That depends

I expect most people to opt out of this so called "update."

Sam stop being a little wanker, go to the police if you get threatened with violence...

6:44 lmfao "sex for your WEE WEE"

He probably shouldn't have started his argument like that but technically he is correct.

So do the Gizmodo editors, you were complaining like a little girl who got her cookies stolen when timeline was first implemented.

I am sure there must be a hack out there to spoof your mobile device into thinking its running on 3g. Granted you shouldn't have to do that to make it function the way you desire.

Is Jesus Diaz a hipster who is afraid to come out of the Apple closet?

Are holgas still eating hipsters?

Nice, I am waiting for Sprint to get their LTE network up and running in LA so I can get the Evo 4G LTE. I currently have the Evo 4G rooted and bootloader unlocked so it doesn't make sense for me to upgrade my phone if that means downgrading my network.

I am still using a WiMax phone and have been using it for the past 2 years. With Sprint not giving a shit if you tether or not I do not see myself paying additional fees for mobile tethering for the next few years.


Just tether your phone to create a hotspot and forgo the LTE iPad.

No he doesnt

Yes they did

This is a valid point and not one I considered. Now that you mention it Giz used to worship Apple prior to the iPhone 4 fiasco. I wonder what would have happened if Jesus was the one that did the iPhone 4 tear down.

Because its Jesus that's why. That guy does anything for more clicks, including hate and write everything with a sensationalist headline.

I am for gay marriage but completely support Chick-fil-A's right not to support it. Even organizations are allowed to have opinions in this country.

You will not regret it! Best airline ever :)