It did, it most definitely was NOT shot down.
It did, it most definitely was NOT shot down.
Is that you daddy?
Actually I have no clue. Do tell.
Haven't seen the series nor do I know what series it is from. That's prob why it annoys me so much.
Can we all agree to just stop using this meme stopped being funny a looonnggggg time ago.
Make that 67 likes damn it.
It seems like the link is broken within the article, that is unless it is meant to link back to the same article I am reading.
Replying because I wanna see this too :)
And just like that the video has been removed by user.
Exactly, you only flip a burger once to keep the precious juices inside.
If you are in a 4G area you can stream just fine, I pull down 11-13 MPS on 4G daily in the LA area. I think that Sprint will keep unlimited data for a long time, they advertise all the time how they are the one carrier that continues to offer unlimited data.
Most American cars have teeth on both sides of the keys. Look at your car key, does it have teeth on both ends? If you you should be fine.
I think she is hot, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sprint FTW
I have a friend who says the he has a flip phone because his job can't ask him if he got the email when he is not in the office.
Sigh, yes two of the best...
One of the best ticketing low cost solutions out there are:
Ah, I see, yea I knew that they had different buttons but I haven't really played with an ICS phone yet, more than a few minutes anyways.
Just curious, why did you pay full price? Was being in a 2 year contract not your style or were you not eligible?