
Which island was this?

I shamefully do this sometimes. But at least Android has a relatively smart speech to text feature.

Can someone here please explain what using after burner is?

Great read! And hilarious pictures, the part about the judges and paroles is extremely interesting.

The was a pretty cool Easter egg you found there.

Ha, couldn't get any more ironic than this.

You can also let them know how you feel here.


I would be furious if I was in this guys shoes, it would be hard to convenience myself not too.

lol, future wages....like she will have any after this. I am sure insurance will cover most of the law suit that will occur.

Grab a gun meet them at a public place and shove the barrel down his throat. I'm sure the cops will come then.

derp, you said with with letters in the original comment...

Only audio is working.

Some of my friends have posted in FB that they have also seen it.

Thank you for this, you are precisely correct.

And you the death penalty.

And if there were no more water on the earth we would most likely die.

Yea but that's Engadget's term

Exactly, now I wouldn't expect on Giz to do that but the average Joe, sure why not.

We are very lucky :) I have a friend that has a tree with hundreds of avocados at any given moment.