In the penn, at least in California it is customary to have to show your papers to your cell block "leader" failure to do so is a huge ass whoopin. There are major politics at play in federal prison.
In the penn, at least in California it is customary to have to show your papers to your cell block "leader" failure to do so is a huge ass whoopin. There are major politics at play in federal prison.
Wow you really did hold true on that not coming back to comment thing.
To each his own. If you have the resources you could always have your sperm stored in a laboratory. Only time will tell if this procedure is worth while.
My guess is that you would still be your fault.
Kinda related, I just started playing Skyrim last month and the music is seriously amazing in that game!
I'll just leave this year.
Ha, I imagine your heart dropped when you read your first comment.
Who is Harry Sawyers?
Yea I think it makes the most sense for those who already have children and do not want any more in the future.....but you can always change your mind after the fact. The reversal procedure has a much higher success rate as oppose to a reverse vasectomy.
Awesome video, awesome song!
Watch the video in the link, it really doesn't look that bad. You even get a massage ;)
There are pros and cons to taking a pill. What if you forget to bring them with you on vacation?
You guys may want to read this article from Wired. There is a doctor in India that has developed a way to block the sperm from ejaculating. It is completely reversible and so far has been 100% effective.
Mario would like you to send the tip directly to him.
Sorry I believe you replied to the wrong person.
replied to promote
hmmm, makes me think a good sales tactic for used car salesmen would be to somehow artificially place this "new car smell" in used cars.
Also related....kind of
When did your star get taken away?
You seriously order from a pizza place 2-3 times a week? Is this for personal consumption or business related?