Just wait until CyanogenMod is ported to it, then you will have the ultimate phone.
Just wait until CyanogenMod is ported to it, then you will have the ultimate phone.
This is a very good argument, and I have never thought of it from this perspective. To each his own; I think these girls are too young for plastic surgery.
I string the 419ers along every so often if I am board. I want them to get really excited so I can let them down. I hate the fact that these people go after random people, once you wire them the money it's gone forever with no hope of ever tracing the suspects.
You could also hit the burger with a blow torch to get a better sear than that.
Yea but its not fake. These are actual phones and they demoed the same technology at CES. They even went as far as nano-coating a tissue and it was actually waterproof. Pretty amazing stuff!
I wouldn't normally promote something like this but @Dancing Milkcarton already has.
I'm sure most of you guys have already heard of this.
No votes, just bark
Condoms... psshh, who needs that. Raw dog baby
FYI only starred commenters can approve.
This actually came from the buyer not the seller, the seller put that in the comment after the buyer told him that, read my response to @boobox below.
You guys are both right, I have contacted the buyer and he went as far as emailing me pictures of the loot. He is one lucky sob and the story is 100% true.
childhood nostalgia
Well there will hardly ever be a solution to any problem that can completely satisfy everyone's needs.
Yea If you go to Pepperdine strictly for the great location you are nothing more than a fool. I assume you are familiar with So Cal, I went to the Claremont Colleges for grad school and while they were extremely expensive so far I am content with my decision. Half of the students in my classes were international so…
How do you know if you will be able to pay it off later in life??? No one really knows what lies later on 5 years down the road.
Assuming this twitter account represents all of anonymous...