What the hell is the editing on this?
Here’s a video with without the commentary dominating the sound
Thinking about the circumstances that led to these abandoned cars is quite sad. Could be the owners traveled alone and died at their destination with no next of kin to be found.
I see an episode of “Will it Run?” on Cold War Motors You Tube Channel
As a lifelong Lego fan, I’d also like to point out how ridiculously overpriced they’ve become. Licensing fees are definitely being recouped via the customers’ wallets there.
I get the all the arguments being made here, and I can see how being used to american-style markers could have an impact while driving in Europe, but honest to god, as a european driver I have never been in a situation in which I felt american style side markers would make much difference. I mean, I love them because…
i’ve always marveled a little at ALDI’s manipulation of this with a simple quarter. small enough to not actually matter, but enough societal significance that i’ve watched people actually fight over it, or demand replacement quarters for cart exchanges... despite the fact that those same people will drop at least $75…
Standard range plus costs more than 100.000$ in Turkey
Love SwiftKey- I love how you can set and shorten the timeout of the long press for alternate key strokes.
Black Woman to be Missed by Audience Members With Good Taste
This lady can’t even read her own book. Four separate places in the Bible it says to not test God. One of them in red letters.
A side by side picture would be a great addition to this article.
Another solution is to use a smart powerstrip. My Xbox is plugged into an outlet that is only powered when the TV is powered on.
So how does JK Rowling, possibly the most successful author of the 21st century, fit in to all this? It’s very safe to say that many, many men and boys have read her books over the past 24 years. Has she simply achieved a “just not that woman” status on this site?