
Also it later came out that Reade was not credible at all. Her own lawyer dropped her.

It became known as the rust belt because of the decline in the steel industry in what was previously known as the steel belt. Rust is a metaphor.

This guy is smart enough to anticipate that play and will start the engine 20mins before you arrive so the blue smoke dissipates and you wont see it on startup.

It’s just a rebadged Nissan Frontier, which back in 2012 was a solid bargain


Insane. Probably helps a bit that Chicago is nice and flat, but still an incredible number of miles on a clutch.

I don’t want to bother to find it, but no - All three profited from their production of goods in Germany throughout the war. They maintained management of the companies and there are even records of communication between the US offices and Germany offices.

Not unless you happen to live in Anywhereelseistan. 

I never said it wasn’t illegal. In fact, I even stated that their license doesn't appear to apply in the US.

Wow, I might confuse it with a vehicle jeep hasn't sold in decades?  A 92 explorer and 92 Cherokee look more similar than this looks like a 2019 wrangler... 

Not sold in the US and not subject to U. S. trademark law. But you could argue that the existence of this vehicle, and the Ford GPW, make this a genericized trademark…

Park it and forget about it.

Now playing

There’s a Japanese guy on YouTube that restores these things and has quite an impressive collection. They’re used for all kinds of stuff.

The theory of these as a transitional technology (or maybe not so transitional, depending on the physical and financial scale of agriculture) sounds about right. Definitely evokes thetwo-wheeled tractor” from the early days of farm mechanization in the US.

That scene made me laugh harder than it had any right to.  It was such a delightful piss-take on the hot-shot cop genre.

Lets also take into account that most people that adopt want white babies and that she isn’t.  

Washington State’s foster care system is so overwhelmed that they’ve started just checking teenagers into motel rooms because there aren’t enough families to place them with, and we have fairly liberal abortion laws. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen to Georgia’s system if this law is allowed to go into effect.

And what about..

They already made a female-version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Heartbreakers) which is far superior to this one.