
This very media outlet told us Costco checks receipts to protect the member from being overcharged not to catch thieves. I chafe at having to wait inline to prove I bought my stuff but don’t want to risk my membership. Still dumb criminal. He seems to not understand video surveillance while wanting one of his own. If

Man, these comments are super disappointing - why are yall so adamant about sticking up for corporations? Are they paying you?

Let’s go over some things here:

1. Back in 2015, Uber and Lyft actually did pay a very nice wage. Remember all the fluff pieces backed by Uber and Lyft talking about drivers earning over 100K

People drove taxis as a job. Stop blaming the poor and start blaming corporations.

Side gigs still pay employees minimum wage.... So while I don’t fully understand your point, I just want to clarify that these people do indeed have a job, they drive for Uber. They would just like this job to be treated like almost every other job. Only an idiot wouldn’t get that.

Its in no way a Christian belief and VERY MUCH not biblical, even Moses was in an interracial marriage, there is literally nothing discouraging interracial marriage in the Bible, only white trash people who like to pretend that their massively wrong grasp on the Bible justifies hatred.

Oh, that’s good to know.  I’ll be sure to inform the hundreds of millions of e-bike riders in China that they’re doing it wrong.  

See also: PG&E for causing all those Northern CA fires...

I know some people who take the recommendation of using two methods of contraception very, very seriously.

Okay those guys aren't "too good for you", though, they're being manipulative and demanding and they arent respecting your boundaries. If you don't wanna to someone you don't have to.

The guys who are fixated on making me squirt are not the same guys making me cum.

Had the gentleman not been here the thefts would not have occurred? But I dunno, I could be wrong.

And that has exactly what to do with his thefts?

His “church” supports gay conversion “therapy.” They can ALL go choke on a bag of assorted donkey dicks. 

You seem to miss the point, which is, keep that shit, whatever your beliefs are, to yourself. Some don’t, and I find it annoying.

Still waiting for my Lego XV10 Camry.

This is too clean for you.

Drift cars still need downforce. It’s not like they’re doing continuous donuts. The car still needs control, hence why the car has to be built right in order to perfectly whip the car without losing full control since they’re driving cars that have anywhere between 700-1,500hp.

You realize aerodynamics play a huge role in drifting, right?

about as much response as that comment deserved. Nice.

You still have to regularly replace blades on the electric razor, though. If your father isn't doing that, it's because he's content with a terrible shave or has an extremely soft beard.