
Who are these worthless characters? Give me a woman worth worshiping.

The sooner it’s made, the sooner it’ll end up on Yuriofwind’s Bullshit Creepy Pasta Story Time segment. And fun shall be had~

i feel like half this article is missing. its talking about the crossdressing scene, ends on a “cliffhanger” of sorts and then just talks about a bunch of random stuff not related to the crossdressing scene.

If anyone ever feels the need to give Peter Molyneux money for a game title in the future, please consider some of these alternatives:

At this point, it’s hard for me to see swating as anything less than attempted murder.

TLG had me hyped as hell. I know the demo was a little lack luster and all the calling to Trico really started to annoy me, but from the old trailers we saw way more than just the tiny bit they had time to show and if they can bring that content and ideas to the game I’ll definitely be happy.

So they don’t have color in the future, or what?

Can’t forget the anime that’s pretty much about posing.

Best line: “Of course I’m drinking. I’m bored, Hank.”

I’m gonna get flak for this but

Now playing

It feels like this game was specifically made to take all of my extra cash. Well played, Lego.

Its interesting how there are already a few people here who make statements about how modders get so little of the profit but follow up by saying they will never pay and would instead pirate paid mods.

Well, it’s not like there is much room to move around it.

I laughed way too much at that


Trolled so hard, was waiting for a swap out to some remake footage that never happened.

Now playing

Really wondering if those visual fx can be toned down at all. Sometimes it becomes very jarring and visually exhaustive to look at. Great for a teaser like this, obviously.

See I'm still trying to figure out if it's actually challenging or if it's just a problem of programming. And by that I don't mean bugs necessarily, just that there are so many moments when the animation doesn't sink up with the action. Attacks that you know are blocked go through, attacks that look like they've