
You’re not getting a point of a tech demo. It’s not really to JUST show off the engine, it’s to also experiment with/showcase new technology. For example, they used an experimental real-time area light, and the demk showcased how having it can be REALLY damn good. But you’re worrying too much, this is to get people

I think the reason both of these games are been on the ringer for a long time because of one common goal, innovation.

Honestly thiugh, the joke is on people who knock 14 for being an MMO, it’s honestly one of my favorite FF games.

You missed the second word in the game’s title.

After seeing the gameplay, I’ll take what I said about the over world back a bit, as the trailer painted the world a bit more empty than the gameplay showed. However, the graphics, while I agree are still nice due to heavy art direction, just aren’t impressive and look dated and flat, and it can’t be because of the

It’s sad this is confined to the WiiU right now. While we have yet to see what it’ll look like on NX, I can’t help but feel the world is flat(as in textures and lack of tessellation) and empty. The strong art direction definitely assures it looks good, but it lacks a lot, like it should’ve came out years ago. If you

Oh dear, I couldn’t imagine a collab between those three... well, I can, but it’s hard to put the insanity into words.

Oh thank the heavens, the crisis was adverted!

Nah, I think they just all want to work together. Hell, Kojima and Del Toro did a Dice Conference together... they just got a bromance I think.

Isn’t he still collabing with Norman Reedus and Gullimero Del Toro on this directing-wise though? Between those three I’m sure there’d be a good balancing and checking act I’m sure, especially since they seem so tight-knit.

Glad I’m not the only one!

Looks pretty cool. I’ll probably end up getting it on PC for cheap after a few months, but I look forward to it since the first was a blast.

My Number 1 rule as a Mein, KILL THE MERCY FIRST.

Hey don’t forget to put that it’s also coming for Vita as well!

Well, good laptops for gaming are more common than they used to be. Especially when the new wave of laptops roll in with FULL GTX 1070/80s and RX 480s due to the new graphics cards’ super efficiency and power. IMO I think laptops will eventually kill desktops because parts get faster, cheaper, and more efficient, to

With Bastion it becomes a point and click action game, so try giving him a try. But seriously though, it’s really newbie friendly since it ranks you with players of similar skill so it’s never too hard.

Yes! Now I can officially identify as fox-kin in Sims! /s

So basically just typical old people stuff saying the younger generation is a rowdy bunch? It sounds like more of a him issue than a “younger generation” issue. As much as I’ll respect his decision, I must say that closing your mind and giving up learning how to work with others and guiding newer, more talented

Yeah the thing with AMD is that they make all their tech like Vulkan or Freesync open-source so the only thing making it run slower than the others is the card’s raw speeds. AMD cards are having a big leap with DirectX12 vs Nvidia, but Vulkan is the API that’ll win out anyways so it doesn’t matter. AMD, unless if they

I don’t agree with it being a “perfect sendoff,” as no Chloe or Cutter was in there, but I’d bet on them being in the dlc later this year.