Your couch is tacky, and I hate you.
Your couch is tacky, and I hate you.
When you vote GOP, this is what you’re voting for.
Claim to be “pro-life”.
Often, radio show hosts ‘opinions’ are just contrary positions taken in order to draw callers.
A couple thoughts.
Obviously fake. If it was real cat hair, her body would have shut it down before it became a hairball.
Well, I think Tommy Chong says it best a few minutes later in this video, “Live by the bear, die by the bear.”
That shit is interferring with my enjoyment of 500 days of Kristin.
Runner tackles defender, they really do, do everything backwards in Australia huh?
Its all fun and games till the Nuggets mascot hangs himself from the rafters to preserve his brain for CTE research.
I swear to God, if he’s the next subject on “Would U,” I’m never Kinjaing again.
Well, duh.
The team is now claiming it was an indirect attempt to honor the Native American tradition of bartering.
My first thought was “treehouse”. But I am a city girl and on further inspection, this tree would present many construction challenges :(
Somewhere Debra Messing is drinking heavily...