My partner of 4 years, whom I've just split with this week is complete a**hat at buying presents.
"Amen, Amen" is from Hozier/ Take Me To Church. Gorgeous!!!!!
Thank heavens, I thought I was the only one creeped out by those noises.
Well said! I too work at an animal shelter and we don't do euthanasia on request, but we will help you financially to do the best thing for your pet. And damn right we'll judge you for dumping your pet at their worst time, grow some balls and spend their last minutes with them.
Hasn't anyone noticed the bizarre penguin wall-paper in her bedroom? I love the dogs but the wall-papers a bit odd.
Harry Potter reference & article about dogs - a winner in my book.
Kim K - an irrelevant, vapid dip-shit who fucked her way to stardom; why are you even giving her a name check.
Performing a "bikini wax" on a cat too fat to clean itself it is not fun - sticky poop and the smell is just nasty. Just trust me on this one.
Just shoot me now, why did I click on this monstrosity of over-sexualized ridiculousness?
Finally, someone else that gets James Mays cuddly brilliance :)
yup, I'd hit that :)
Hello Andy. Hello Buglers. He created "fuckeulogy", & the English language thanks him for that.
I like this film and makes me cry every time as it is so damn cheesy. Leave me one OK thing in this damned holiday season please.
Agree w/ Rocza - it's bad enough if you're doing it for the right reasons; and after working in hotels for many years I've seen a few foreign workers come in with the intention of finding a partner so the wrong reasons.