Officer Dog

He's so famous he's always busy touring and doing stuff like that. And he writes A LOT. Like, all these little things for people and multimedia things. Lots of short books and tv episodes sometimes.

Increasingly I'm thinking my jokey hypothesis that this was a remake of The Thing is going to come true.

I feel the same way, which is a shame because Doerr's first collection of short stories and first novel are two of my favorite books. But he doesn't seem to be doing the kinds of things he did back then that I loved so much anymore and so that kinda turned me off.

Gaiman hinted on his blog that he might be writing another Shadow novel in a couple months the bastard tease.

I sympathize with her plight and she makes me laugh a lot so yeah, I also can't help but like her despite her faults. Also, she is often pointing out something pretty true and aggravating about the world even if she's so myopic and in her own head.

Great book. Also recommend her previous novel, The Emperor's Children. Though the characters in that are often even more annoying than the narrator of The Woman Upstairs (though, still, people you wind up liking?)

Seconding a reading of The Keep. I absolutely adored that book. The way she plays with voice and scene setting is great and the way she still manages to emotionally suck you in and get to you even with her clever ideas and whatnot is the mark of a great writer methinks.


That rush to the finish was probably due to DC cancelling the book but Mieville really needing to give it the conclusion he wanted to give it (I think it was supposed to run like 40-50 issues).

I finally finished Blonde in January and also finished The Shining Girls in early February (which I loved. Weird and dark and beautifully written).

Yep. And, let's be honest, it's going to be hard to read the last book once we've already seen the ending on TV. I mean, I know it will be different and there'll be so much that isn't in the show but still.

Thanks! I will watch it soon then.

Yep same here. Probably going to have to wait until On Demand. Maybe if it was March or April where things are slow at the indie theaters but they don't still have the Oscar movies to milk every last dollar out of. That's usually when we get the much smaller weirder things.

Anyone ever see Symbol? It was my second time seeing some of his work (the first being Big Man Japan) and, well, it's about a man trapped in a room of little baby penises. touching them causes various things to happen. and it's ALSO a story of an old Mexican Wrestler. Somehow it becomes weirdly spiritual and has great

Do we know if he wrote it as well? I'm pretty sure it's his own script so that plot description may seem basic but will probably be something special.

Marjorie Liu ongoing too!

This looks gorgeous. I am excited to check it out.

My guess is she's just going to bounce. She's clearly good at disappearing and I think the woman is not big into being tied down. She's tied down in a million ways both good and bad ways.

This was really lovely writing. Great way to end it too. Reminds me of all the times my brother and I have taken my mom to Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen

This just months after Barry said it needed to last 7-10 seasons.