Officer Dog

These two dear people
My parents
Whom i love
So much


Never has the line delivery of a simple "no" made me laugh as many times as it did in that fucking show.

Aw. I didn't know Highston was never coming. Thought it was just like that PATRIOT show that no one talked about after the order but suddenly premiered a full season.

Pretty dope lineup though I'll skip BOOK OF STRANGE NEW THINGS for now as I've been meaning to read it for awhile

:sticks fingers in ears;

Steranko hurt a lot

Just lost a lot of respect for Chuck Dixon

This is also both my Dad and I's favorite line reading. Poitier is also amazing in this scene. So calm, and polite but also so clearly boiling with suppressed rage. That mix of fear about what these guys might do and righteous anger at the racism and disrespect is so well played.

Whoa! I can't find any info about this but that's very exciting. I assume it's the next series in their Night Vale Presents label thing

I am beyond excited for Episode 8. Like, so beyond excited. Episode 9…noooo

The bright side is that Episode IX was probably going to fucking suck anyway with Trevorrow directing and writing.

People forget that The Dark Knight got a nomination for best screenplay.

I will never forget my first introduction to Dr McNinja. I had made a new friend in Grad School, and she's who got me into webcomics more. She's one of my best friends.

Seriously. Please fucking do.

Right. If it wasn't the "deciding issue" for them then it still means that they are OK with it. It really is that simple. Maybe they don't actually believe the things he said but people who voted for him looked at the two candidates and went "Yeah, I'll vote for the guy who wants to start a registry and threatens to

The tone and style and story of the comics are very different but I can see the show being very similar. Not sure how CW would handle the trippiness of Dr. Mirage at all.

Ellison is also a "rust belt populist" in the mode of a Bernie Sanders, has very far left ideas (he runs the house Progressive Caucus) and he is a black muslim. He's no Chuck Schumer or Howard Dean (although Schumer endorsed him to run the DNC, seemingly realizing that the Democrats need to fucking change).

I care more about Bob Newhart's happiness tbh

There's a moment of narration in the book at this point. That is basically him realizing that he is crying profusely at his father's death and didn't even know it as he was too busy that still makes me completely wrecked to think about.