Mod Motor Guy

HAH!  No, and I should have known better.  I wrote that before I had too much coffee. 

That’s just it! We DO have long commutes. When I need a part for a car I am working on, it’s a HOUR round trip. Minimum 40 miles to the parts store and back.

And, I’m not a wheat farmer....my backyard IS an 800 acre wheat field.  I just fix their wives cars, HAHAHAHAA!

Now that’s a nifty tidbit I didn’t know.....I wasn’t aware Tesla was able to recycle 95%. That’s pretty cool!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m HOPING the range thing gets sorted, just as much as anyone. Same with electrical infrastructure.

At the same time, I’m typing this from a location that doesn’t even have cable TV!

First gear:

Jag has come a long way since the days of the XJ6 or XJ12, or the XJR. Those were classic, timeless appearing Jaguars, but unfortunately the reliability was, ah, found wanting.

THIS Jaguar, however....while it may have been reliable-ish, I have a feeling the seller’s care for this car may have diminished that

Certainly better safe than sorry! 

I recently had a Ford F150 towed in here. Customer concern was a HUGE transmission leak. The first thing they asked was “Do you think it will make it to your shop?”

My answer was, “Please have it towed in. A tow bill costs a PITTANCE compared to a new transmission. We have NO clue how much fluid is left in the

Great tip!  That should be shoehorned in that hot mess of racket I wrote up above for sure!

From the technician -

1. If shit’s dripping under the car, find out what it is, and where the HELL it is coming from. Granted, every car drips some harmless water from the HVAC system. But water from the HVAC doesn’t stain your driveway, and isn’t some color.

2. People! Watch your god damn gauges and lights! Trust and

And, the technician checks in! ( I should make it a point to do this more often.)

These are not bad cars at all. Handbuilt at the Reatta Craft Center in Lansing Michigan means that they might be screwed together SLIGHTLY better than most big GM front wheel drive cars.

That’s actually pretty cool. Here in south Kansas, it’s very dicy if you can even get one at the doctor. The ER’s here are bitching because people are coming to the ER, getting a test, and getting discharged pretty much immediately.  As you may imagine, the hospital management is screaming like a stuck pig about super

Would this be along the same lines as voting news, since I have to drive to vote?  

Soooo....delivery news?  Imagine the hardship of wanting to see CAR news, not delivery news?  Is this the Pizza Hut Times now?

So...what does this have to do with cars again?

I don’t mind some news on shit like this when there is SOMETHING related to cars contained within, but come on.....leave this shit to CNN.

There is a tax incentive, in fact, there’s several ways to do it. They can call it advertising, which in this case, since both Jalopnik and Lehto’s Law have brought it up, not to mention however many news outlets....that would certainly fly.

Also, it can be called charity, which it also qualifies.

Remember, though,

I forget which Burnout series it was, but we had the Playstation hooked up to a projector, and would get drunker than Cooter Brown, and do the crash mode thing, complete with explosions.

It really was the ultimate drinking game. Get drunk, CRASH! High score naturally wins.

THAT was way better than having some drinks

Here’s how I check for a bad engine ground. Super easy, super fast. Take a test light, and connect the wire to the POSITIVE battery cable. Put the probe end on some metal part of the engine, preferably the head or block.

If you get no light, or a dim light, you don’t even need to go further - ground concern. If the

Olli, you’re welcome for the profanity laced rant, LOL. I’m in almost the same boat you are. I CAN pay for a truck, but I am also a small business owner, and I gotta watch the expenses! Dealers giving guy like you and I a shit-kicking just isn’t good the economy in any sense.

Yeah, CA, NY, and IL might be a small pain. But you let MS get wind of this, and I bet they get CARB certified. Hell, they already offer plug and play units for some cars, it’s not a far jump to get OBDII compliant.

I think my main point is that there’s a shitload of money in this for someone if they want to

I’ve been wanting a new truck for a long time.

It’s OK. I’ll drive older trucks for the rest of my life. Fuck them, fuck markups, fuck dealers, and triple throw down fuck the morons that gladly pay it and enable this shit.

Am I salty? Sure. Who wouldn’t be? If you’re one of those conceited assholes with more money