Mod Motor Guy

I do get some hot cars in here from time to time, and a fair chunk are people’s restored babies. I do not hot rod them, or otherwise be mean to people’s cars.

Fix what they asked for, ship it.

I got my own hot car to go play with. 

Legally, you are mostly correct. But, if the car is collateral, and you welch, yes, it is technically mine to sell off after I file a mechanic’s lien. However, in this state, I can put it up for sale, and I can personally buy it from my business, if I want the car bad enough.  As it is, I own four cars, so that’s

Any time, my friend!

Shop’s been busy, so not much time to comment.  Had a slow day today, and lucky us!  Something to comment on! 

Hi, Folks! Mod Motor Guy, the shop owner checking in again!

Dealership is in the wrong. Allow me to explain my shop’s insurance policy, and you will soon see....

1. General liability - this is EXACTLY as it sounds. If I am out driving your car for whatever reason, be it a test drive, a delivery, or anything general

Stunt driver!

I actually did take quite a few classes, and am a pretty decent hoon.  

However, other things got in the way of that dream, and every now and again, I will slip off somewhere, and make sure I still have my chops, LOL!  

So true.  However at this point, can it be truly described as “shrinking”?  I would think more like “emaciated, shriveled memory of what was....” 

I like that you call it like you see it. 

Dummy. Everyone knows you cross your arms in front of you and hold your elbows tight to your body as you drop into the water.

I mean, even the doofuses watched Burn Notice, right?

Hi! Mod Motor Guy, the independent mechanic checking in.

For all of you naysayers out there, there’s NOTHING wrong with how this was repaired. This sort of thing happens on the daily, in shops all over the PLANET. Tap it, seal it, tighten it, connect it, fill it, SHIP IT!

I know I will catch hell for my stance, but

Good call!

God, could you imagine the combination of liftoff and cabin pressurization with a gut full of THAT?  I’m sitting here wincing just considering it, hahahaha! 

My apologies, it wasn’t meant to come off that way. I do see this now that you have mentioned it.

It was more of a fact that nearly everyone except Tom McParland gets financially screwed at the car lot.  These days, even more notably so. 

Everything you said is true.

And my apologies to all offended. I type it like I’d speak it, and while I don’t set out to offend folks, it happens.

Part of that stems from the fact that I’m pretty difficult to offend.  Probably from working at car dealers for years! In the service department, not sales.  The reason

That’s fair enough. I don’t know your locale, but out here, we can still very occasionally find a cherry blossom, but I understand even that is drying up now.

I’m certain with the food on the plane, and the airport food, pilots fart quite a bit worse than most of us. Doubly bad if one of them is a Texas chili connoisseur. 

That window is a vital safety feature to keep the pilot and copilot from nauseating each other.

Well, what do you expect?

There’s only so far that greed will take you. Then, the rest of the market will tell you to kindly fuck right off, and make a new plan.

I went looking for a Mustang for a friend of mine. He has a MINT 2014 Mustang V6 with less than 40K miles on it. Premium model, as well, so it’s loaded. He

To be honest, right now, I would simply buy a beater with a heater to get me around till the market simmered down.  Just because you have to have NOW doesn’t mean you have to get anally intruded upon NOW. 

And this exactly is why corporations need to fuck off and die. They are the largest cash grab while giving the illusion of doing you a favor.

As long as the CEO and the shareholders are happy, fuck anything that actually, you know, makes it tick. Fuck the employees, and definitely fuck the customer as hard as you can.

My 2002 Mustang GT did it ALL WRONG.

It does have the control on the seat. However, it is under the front of the seat on the outboard side. And it is the typical three button affair, with the center knobbie-doo operating the major functions, as in up/down, and fore/aft.

However, with the placement, to run the seat

Found the guy in charge.....


Rule number one when you know that you are going airborne - FLOOR IT.

Not joking, either.  With the engine wide open, and hopefully as much weight shifted back as possible, you stand a better chance of not face-planting your car.