
Other companies don't bring 2%+ of the entire CES visiting population without a booth.

CES attracts 12000~ people. Apple brought 250~. 2%+ of the entire show is needed for marketing research from a company without a booth? Right.

Now playing

So, they don't have a booth, they aren't there to make speeches, and the former Founder/CEO/Chairman considered himself an artist. I have no idea what they are doing at this event. They should've added 50 more people to their army for comical effect.

The Air is a clone of Sharp's and Sony's available since the early 2000's.

If you shake more than three times you're playing with it.

Isn't it illegal under Nevada state law to go into a women's restroom when your ID says "male", unless you self identify as female?

Please see about creation before the term was coined:

The number of "new features" OSX Lion has.

Oh? High MP automatically makes it not good? Perhaps the level of improvement goes down[scaled per MP], but you'd be hard pressed to show that it has a 'negative' effect.

If you believe the creator of something knows 'best', then we would not be using chiclet keyboards today [as per IBM]. I'm aware what initiative is, but creation and expansion are not the same thing. You're changing the underlying facts because of an 'American' perspective.

"Good artists copy, great artists steal" ~ Steve jobs

Bitch and moan about all non iPhone cameras? I didn't get that memo.

So, you'll never drive a Mercedes, either?

"He didn't say he created the internet. He said he took the INITIATIVE in creating the internet."

Al gore did not create that. The end.

Please see definition of internet. Thank you.


You're judging an iBook by it's cover. It's obvious you've never had to put forth a class action lawsuit against apple because of quality issues. I have. Your forget the g4 notebook screen issues, two Sep nano issues, the original air screen/bezel issue, various overheating issues, the g4 wifi issues, the iPhone 3g

Shuttle SV24 , Google it. ALU

Again, this is the flaw in judging everyone by one. This is a logic flaw. People have countless choices with PCs, and if SOME companies copy, they all copy? I had an Alienware in 1996, and it looked NOTHING like this, and wasn't beige[two years~ prior to the iMac]. You also forget the Shuttle SV24 which predates the