
A simple ultra-low power ARM/MIPS chip[perhaps overkill for initial cutoff or scaling slowdown tracking at 2-4%] and reserve battery [much like a reserve tank, perhaps Ni-MH] could easy handle the DC charge from the panel. EST wholesale cost 20-50$ including panel. I shot them an email after more thought was given.

Solar panel = never fully discharged.

Why not just create a new partition, transfer data there, force as read only...

Actually, Apple got many products banned in said "free" countries. This eliminates choice or makes it very expensive to obtain alternatives.

A.) Not true in NYC. That first paragraph applies to landlines only, and everyone falls for it because of a pseudo-monopoly.

One million.

M$ could technically pull an apple, and only offer upgrades, with the base OS only sold on machines they approve, using their own 'clone' legislation against them.

Why are they whining? They can use this to get out of their contract.

The whole point of freedom is to have the ability to make those choices yourself. Do we want to give MORE power to the banking industry? The 'cost' of 'cash' could be offset by using existing resources [ [gizmodo.com] ]. These blanket statements in this article are sensationalist in nature. Cash exists without a

The transport costs would be =/= because of the relation as to where the individual components are made [Samsung for instance], and the individual unit tariffs vs completed product. I'm in agreement that they would use it as an excuse, but unjustly so. China is known for having shady shipping practices, so you'd have

Did you fail to read the article about that situation? I accounted for labor. 65$ in US, 6.50-8$ in China. R&D? It's the same device, and they've had a crapton of design flaws, but an insane number of sales. Perhaps you missed this gem where Apple's R&D costs and budget are going DOWN: [www.zdnet.com] Oh, and as of

It isn't an organization. That's the point. Please see root word... organ. Each time it's a new organization and cannot be judged as a base. It is everyone and no-one, at any given time. 'It' defies the very logic of what an organization is.

The iPhone 4S 16GB costs 188-203$ to make, with Apple stating that to be made in America would cost an additional 65$ per device. Math fail is failure. Img related.

They know you misspelled complaints.

Ew, get that RealBasic crap outtaaaa here. No loop-redirects or remote service api floods? Pfftttt

Can you choose which pages and to what extent they are prerendered? I for one would like Chrome to prerender the entirety of RedTube.

If only he had 17 dollars.

EPIC Fail. Img related.