
Obama supports Israel, one reason the world hates us.

The flaw here is that you believe plastic to be worse than other materials. The military is slowly converting everything to plastic, for many reasons including durability.

...again, those aren't federal like say a trademark or patent. Please also review some of the examples listed where famous people have lost for a variety of reasons..

^——THIS times a million.

Hint: HP was trying to get 1.2 Billion dollars.

Expansion is not creation. Improvement is not invention. Lubricant is not a machine.

An invention is not a creation?

When I was stationed in Japan with the Navy, I saw this look in 2000-2002. If you think this design is Apple's, you need to do some travelling.

If you read further, only certain states recognize those rights.

Ah yes, but Lohan never served as a chairman for a publicly traded company. I recall a similar situation with Jesse Ventura that was only illegal because of the WWE/WWF [i don't follow wrestling].

Tell that to the Occupy movement, who has shown what happens when you get on a 'real life' soap box.

This would be true... if the internet never existed. Now that it does, rights are applied to it.

So laws are inventions, not technology? Got it.

If a business only has an online [job]application, and the internet is not a human right, wouldn't that infringe on my other rights? It seems to me it's a right by association.

Wait, your browser still has ads?

"The reality is that the Russians and the Chinese will not have a fighter capable of competing with the F-22 or the F-35 Lightning II in two decades."


Obama is not a socialist... he does not have control or understand many aspects of the various dept's of govt. I don't even like the guy, but he's not a socialist [Protect-IP is not a move a socialist would make].