
Yes, our current crop of politicians have done a bang-up job with real world interaction and common sense. Protect-IP and SOPA make SO much sense to the 'common' person? You forget, they said the same thing about Abe, Andrew, and Thomas. Revolving door politics have gotten us nowhere for decades.... it's insanity

So Obama isn't a loon for pushing Protect-IP [SOPA-Lite], calling his grandmother "A typical white person", and fubaring GE and BP?

Sounds like the beginning of a very good porn flick'.

Asked? You're crazy, they got sued over using the iCloud, iPod, iPhone, and iBook names.

That's actually the one thing he's right about[searching]. Eventually[as it is now to some degree], there will be [is] too much information for 'everyone' to memorize. The only way around this is to eliminate the human element all together. The intelligence spectrum of the future will be in finding, judging, and

A normal person is supposed to lie about their opinions[not policy they themselves WOULD or even COULD enact/enforce]?

See above, you're reading it wrong.

So they don't matter because they aren't consumer devices?

The rant does not clarify one way or the other, simply stating that iRobot developed the convention, followed by "o, yeah, Apple didn't create the convention, but it uses the naming scheme best: iPhone, iPod, iMac, iTunes, iPhoto. "

They said the same thing about 3DTV / Obama, and the repubs kept him locked down. Same thing, i'm just being intellectually honest. The same element that is calling Obama a socialist, is calling ron paul a loon. Different sides of the same irrational coin.

News flash.... that could never happen in four years. I love how people claim to have done research on a person, but won't research how the US govt works.

Do you actually believe that his beliefs could ever come to be? You're dreaming.... he's just being honest, and you think he'd actually be able to pull off half of that. God forbid he'd actually tell you what he believes instead of giving you a canned answer.

Oh, god forbid Apple would then lower their prices[profit margin]. Many Blackberry, Android, and WinMo devices were made outside of China.

...but that the smart ones require.

Exactly, because they can't understand the advantages. "My Romney does everything I need it to". Perhaps then, you aren't doing enough?

I'd say he's more like an HD2, old but still fast enough to race, constantly changing platforms, and has a horrific past [WinMo].

My hands, just a bigger version of your hands?

So what you're saying is... every other group of supporters are jealous they don't have the technical ability to use and run the custom linux rom? It all makes sense now.