Uh...the point o fprotesting is to draw attention

At some point, though, if you’re the guy who always always always does the cabbage patch on the dance floor...it stop being “ironic” or in this case a performance.

If you think America only means one thing, and you’re the one who gets to decide what that one thing is...you don’t “get” America.

They would SAY that they believe it exists. I’m skeptical whether they actually believe it exists.

Fuck your false equivalence.

The worst - even worse than this soccer game - was high school track meets. Any Invitational meet would play some shitty cassette tape* Sousa version over the loudspeaker.
Want to talk about disrespect...the ONLY reason events like that play the anthem is to give their proceedings an illusion of gravitas. It is 100%

Are you familiar with how social movements work?

Besides this...you’re probably the kind of person that would also tell Kaepernick to stop in two weeks...”because you’re the only one doing it, bro. No one else kneeling, Kaep”.

Stop with this bs about “not liking how the protest is done”. You have 2 options.