now that’s original!
Can I get a Stout Scarab with the engine from a Curtiss P40?
but that’s a bit like saying that there’s a lot of original poetry - most of it is ignored because it’s not fun, particularly clever, or aesthetically pleasing; the LS in a 240SX may be like an old chestnut you hear quoted (and even see embroidered) everywhere but it does what we want it to do, and well
that’s soooo unoriginal -lol
attacking the ability of other women to legally kill their unwanted children, sure- but viciously? meh.
courageously slandering antiabortion protesters?
so your hobby is making up lies about people who disagree with you and posting them online? that sounds really well adjusted
if by ‘cretins,’ you mean the old feminist pro-choicers, they are dying off
and when did those become mutually exclusive? “sex is fun/happy to be childfree” only requires contraception, not abortion - which even Sanger said was immoral and taking human life
gee, what a nice ad hominem that’s probably a lie and that’s definitely something you just made up
nice to meet you, but we’re _still_ the pro-life generation in spite of your hateful prochoice extremism :)