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    That looks a lot like Terraria's crafting interface...

    This article wasn't about "normal" Christians, It was making of fun of "crazy" Christians, because these people are crazy. I don't think they suggested anywhere that this is a proper representation of every Christian.

    Well, I already bought a new copy because I wasn't sure how long it would take them to get a new update out. Would they take action if I tried to sell the code I got? I really don't need 3 copies of this game.

    I got Lumines to use the exploit that would let you downgrade and load CFW onto your psp, but ended up really liking it and playing it more than any other game I had.

    I really liked Silent Hill: Origins on the PSP, It's a shame they're changing the style completely.

    Why not add to the replay value, so people won't want to sell the game used? And the money spent on the used game will most likely be used by the seller to buy a new game.

    Don't get a slimline desktop if you're planning to upgrade it, it's almost impossible.


    Every ad/trailer i saw promoting the game was just bashing other shooters. It seemed childish and was a poor way of getting people interested.

    Steam made me a poor gamer.

    Exactly, i agree, this will do nothing but hurt them.

    I guess i'll try to stream 80-160 movies a month to still get my money's worth.

    Wow! I did not know this was on the psp. Thanks!

    Why not spend time making a game people won't ever want to sell?

    Isn't it fair to assume the person who receives money from a used game buyer will use the money to buy the new title that the developer is making? The person buying the used game probably couldn't afford to buy the new one anyway.

    I got San Andreas off of steam for $3 and installed a multiplayer mod a couple days ago and am having much more fun than i did with GTA IV.

    Yeah, i enjoyed Portal 2, but I felt exhausted after beating it. Once you start playing it's hard to stop.

    I started playing earlier this year; this was the first "Meet the:" video I've seen, and i loved it. I think I've been missing a big part of the game!

    I can't wait for the free ArmA II Multiplayer.

    Minecraft or Garry's Mod