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    The money also went towards a "bailout" so C.E.O's could hand out some nice bonus checks at the criminal's expense...

    Whoa, that's cool! Thanks for sharing, it's neat that you remembered.

    Look into why the anti trust laws were created in the first place, they are a good thing.

    So just because there is already some radiation, it doesn't matter if we add some more? Oh, that's exactly how radiation works... The logic is infallible

    Dear Women, don't flatter yourselves... some people aren't entirely consumed by self-interest.

    @spuntyb: Would be neat to open a "wormhole" about 2500 light years away from earth and watch 300 in real life, it might be a little gruesome though.

    This was the goal, everyone say:

    what they said

    I was shocked when I tried to play a DVD on our Wii and it didn't work, and even more shocked once i learned that it wasn't supposed to. All of our other dvd players have slowly stopped working. I had to move the xbox 360 from the other room to take care of business. I was disappointed by this and it will affect my


    "Magnetic fields, extremely low-frequency"

    I was hoping its last sight would be more exciting.

    A youtube commenter on the video says it's a laser guide that helps to correct the distortion of the star light as it passes through our atmosphere.

    @topsully: I believe these craft defy our understanding of physics, not the "true" laws themselves. Some of our laws don't seem to hold up under much smaller/larger scales or extreme situations that we aren't able to simulate(or therefore test), suggesting they aren't complete or are somehow flawed.

    I don't think those servicemen threatened to kill us for ten years either... quite the opposite actually...

    The hardest part for me is explaining to my partner what to do

    This is pretty cool