If you aren’t using your own custom-built browser you’re doing it wrong. It’s the current year, time to start acting like it.
If you aren’t using your own custom-built browser you’re doing it wrong. It’s the current year, time to start acting like it.
They’re chameleons that adapt to whatever the conspiracy theorist wants them to be.
If the “Deep State” was real, would Trump not still be tied up with investigations? Looks like those investigations have concluded without charges, direct proof that there is no such thing as the all-powerful “Deep State.”
Trump finds the UN, Federal Reserve, and the World Bank worthy of zero respect. This is why he nominates incompetents to each. One would think that this same logic applies to the Supreme Court re: Kavanaugh. It doesn’t. He intentionally nominated a villain into its ranks knowing the havoc and destruction he would…
Your post has some merit, no question about that. A good post, but you fail to acknowledge that she was fired for incompetence, essentially. She did not become as wicked as Trump had hoped and so she was let go. To some, and I guess I’d include myself in that number, this suggests a potential for redemption.
Can’t say I’m familiar with her field trip to Norway, an example of socialism that works.
Mr. Sheik dismissed my reply to him, so I will repost it here:
It’s always hard to question whether a real enemy is entirely evil or something less than that, but it’s worth consideration. I think we’re pretty close to agreement on this one.
Is there really that much difference between resigning in protest and staying on but getting fired for your empathy?
One could make a case that they did indeed have choices but I obviously will not be doing that. It’s a tough case to make.
Now... that’s not fair. Come on. There’s even a term for what you just did. And was Eichmann fired for being too kind to the victims of the regime? I don’t think he was. He was enjoying himself. Kirstjen is the opposite. She was relieved of her duty because she had limits on the vileness of her own conduct. …
I read the article and it was horrible and deserved to be taken down. We should remember that Kirstjen was horrible mostly as a result of her job. Her job made her do some things that were unpalatable, but she had no choice but to do them. If she didn’t she would be fired, and that’s what happened. She was fired for…
Not sure how this is “evil.” If this plan were proposed by almost anyone else it would be praised. It’s a good plan, a damn good plan, and I support it. We all should. Several hundred thousand Undocumenteds in San Francisco? Sign us up. So here’s our plan...
Up pretty early to be in the US.
“Anything that’s good for one party must be bad for the other!”
Fair, but I think the corporatism will solve itself. It has widened the wealth gap, but now that companies like AMZN are making things cheaper to the consumer, that gap will narrow as a result. There’s a nice symmetry to it all.
I’m a shareholder, not a shill.
In Minnesota? I’d like a source on that. Also, I mean nothing personal by this but you are but one of several million of “her” constituents. I’m sure there are many that find her edge distasteful.
Incredibly true.