Where I’m from log trucks HAVE to go off-road and that truck does not have the clearance. Good luck coordinating a remote driver with an equipment operator onsite to push it out when it’s stuck.
Remember, Communist leaders always get the perks.
The government didn’t subsidize the automobile industry at its inception. There were no tax rebates for purchases. Henry Ford took a massive risk to make the model T mass produced and affordable to the general public.
I can live with toll only. Obviously all the taxes that I pay currently towards roads will go away. No more gas tax, lower property and sales taxes, etc.
I bet he calls it Air Force One.....to himself. Probably stashes one of those special blue coats the Prez always wears on AF1 too.
OK, but that means that your public transportation can’t be subsidized. It has to survive off of fares.
They’d probably justify it as a training mission and certification hours for the pilots.
Democrats do have a tendency to run candidates who think they are entitled to a win...
Since when did freeform discussions have goalposts?
No need for Tokyo to dispute it.
How is that subway ride coming along? Oh wait, DeBlasio doesn’t do the subway.
I will bet you $100 dollars he called the plane “Big Apple One” or something to himself.
Hey, give the guy a break. It’s not like any airline flies from NYC to Montreal is it?
Does your food, clothing, and anything else you consume, along with public transportation you speak of, use any oil or gas products? How does your food get to the grocery store? Does your public transportation have no rubber tires? No plastic whatsoever?
Yeah, don’t get me started on the HOV lanes here in SoCal full of millionaires in single-occupant Teslas, who we all subsidized to get a tax break of a free $7500 to buy a car that’s done nothing but hurt mass transit and slow freeway flows since this whole scam started...
One thing to consider... deliveries to other countries.
Well, those high income people who buy their 100K cars need their tax break.
We need to get rid of the credit all together. Let the product stand on it’s own. I shouldn’t be forced to help pay for your brand new fancy car especially when perhaps all I can afford is an old beater.