You may not like keyless entry or ignition but it’s not like “keys” don’t have problems. Not to mention the fact that they can be easily copied with a wax impression or even a photograph
You may not like keyless entry or ignition but it’s not like “keys” don’t have problems. Not to mention the fact that they can be easily copied with a wax impression or even a photograph
Yeah, but starting my car from my desk and letting the A/C run on a hot day before leaving work is an amazing feature.
I don’t think you understand just how big a fence you’d need for a couple hundred acres....
So you would have preferred a bunch of dead Russians, and Russian retaliation? Or nothing at all and let them cross the “red line” like his predecessor?
But why wouldn’t you just use the phone?
Just like a car, sure. Only need to have them registered and insured if you’re using them on a public range, no need on private property. Hell, I’ve got an unregistered and uninsured car at home right now, and the NHTSA/DOT doesn’t give a shit.
Also, it’s currently lot easier to get an AR15, some magazines, and a crate of ammo, than it is to get the supplies and build a bomb.
It’s the exact same thing with health care. Everybody’s focusing on forcing people to buy insurance, but they don’t give a damn about the actual cost of the care itself.
Or—and just wait for this stunning revelation, jackass—I have an advanced degree and went to school longer than four years.
I had somebody break into my apartment and they stole my change to, about $200 worth that was half-rolled because it was getting cashed in soon. But they also took my laptop. And 4 cans of soda out of a previously unopened case. But they left the $250 in cash sitting on the counter they had to walk past several…
that their reality is watching public money burn
Yep, but unless you want to bring back poll tests, you’re SOL. The fuckin left.
Yes, humanity would be much better off if we just fed the people too lazy to feed themselves and lived with 60's technology instead.
and he had clogged cats and bad injectors as a result of crappy leaded fuel.
If you can’t get it up to the speed limit get it off the road. Simple stuff hoss.
Weirdly I hit 5 deer with my F250 and never needed a brush guard to avoid damage.
Immigrants have nothing to worry about, why do they need help?
You can also use a credit card, then use the saving account to pay down that card a month later. If I’m doing everything electronically, using money in a savings account is no more difficult than my checking account.
Couldn’t they just say “no, I’m working”?