@Hecuba and a Polo: I'm a big fan of the Chinese brown sauce recipe, which is pretty basic — soy, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, cornstarch. Basic, but fantastic on lots of things.
@Hecuba and a Polo: I'm a big fan of the Chinese brown sauce recipe, which is pretty basic — soy, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, cornstarch. Basic, but fantastic on lots of things.
SiriusXM recently emailed me about a contest, the winner of which would win tickets to Super Bowl XLV in "North Texas". Seems like an interesting end run around the problem.
Thanks, snowpocalypse. Traveling to Beijing tomorrow, was originally supposed to be leaving New York at about 3pm and connecting through Chicago. Now every flight out of the metro area after 10am or so has been preemptively canceled, so I'm *hoping* that my newly-rescheduled 7am flight will get off the ground. No…
Merry Christmas, you magnificent bastards.
@All Over But The Sharting: Also, Lilo and Stitch. The entire premise is depressing to begin with — the poor little girl's parents died, and now social services is threatening to take her away from her sister, her last remaining family, because of the trouble the alien is causing. Stitch explaining "ohana" gets me…
@All Over But The Sharting: Meet Joe Black. No idea why. Wish I could stop it.
@Phintastic: It's my understanding that, uh, yes. But she better put out like crazy.
@Captain_Lou: I can't believe I'm going to actually admit this, but... in addition to LinkedIn, I got an email from Blizzard as well, asking me to change the password for my Battle.net account.
@The Famous Chitlin: I'm thinking a fax would be more secure.
@Greek McPapadopoulos: Which reminds me, I have a better idea: the Lincoln Tunnel. Kills two birds with one stone. Keeps out New Jersey, and hopefully takes out all of Murray Hill with it.
@Victrola Cola: Ehhhh... maybe during Christmas season, but it's a legit concert hall the rest of the year. I saw Gaslight Anthem there a couple months ago, I doubt there were many out-of-towners in attendance.
@ClueHeywood: Steve Wynn almost hit me with his car while he was heading east on Fashion Show Drive and I was attempting to cross. Strange, less because it was Steve Wynn in Vegas, but because the man is basically blind and really should not be behind the wheel of a car.
I think the fundamental problem is that she somehow wound up in a situation where sexual relations with a guy who was in the process of vomiting was a "more awesome idea".
@G.O.B.: Come on!: I hate pretty much any college football program with a winning record, to be honest.
@vodkanaut: But, wouldn't mind being on said list.
@UkraineNotWeak: No, but we let him crap all over us.
@UkraineNotWeak: We're Mets fans, friend.
@44 in a Row: "The Count of Monte Fisto." Forgot about that one. This is such a great movie.
@wyomingcowboyup: Ah, okay. I think I just hadn't read your comment closely enough. Although, to be fair, I've had a lot of gin. Honestly, I'm pretty happy with Time Warner overall; I just wish I could get me some goddamn NFL Network.