
Jesus, cool it with the language there. I bet nearly all of your male acquaintances have seen at least some of the photos. Photos got leaked and people want to look at them. Deal with it.

No one should care about the personal life of Zoe Quinn. But that is NOT what this is all about. Zoe Quinn is not being targeted because of her infidelity. Zoe Quinn is being targeted for: Leading witch hunts against her critics (wizardchan, DMCA against MundaneMatt's youtube video), and sabotaging a competing

I only trust a few people at Kotaku to actually care about games enough to be objective in their articles. Those people being Stephen Totilo, Tina Amini, Jason Schreier, Kirk Hamilton, Mike Fahey, and Evan Narcisse when he talks about comics. At first, I accepted the SJW overtones here and there. But now it's too

I loved playing this. I usually don't get interested in these horror/jump scare games, but my friend let me play it, so why not? I loved everything they did with the atmosphere of the game. By that, I mean all they did with the lighting and all the little photographs. All the bonus stuff is really amazing for what

No one should forget that you wrote this. It's the Tumblr-ish/SJW articles like this that make me wonder why I even go to Kotaku anymore. I think there was a way to address this whole ordeal, and you completely butchered the opportunity by choosing a side. You wanted the reader to hate Max Temkin whether he's

What does he have to apologize for in the first place though? He says he didn't rape her and he basically doesn't exactly know what she's talking about. Assuming he's telling the truth, he did nothing wrong. To critique someone's apology for a wrongdoing that (supposedly) never happened, is really really really

You should keep your thoughts in your head. My god that was painful to read (grammar and sentiment). If they stayed quiet, you'd choose to ignore them altogether and shun them from society as they always have been. They seek acknowledgement and acceptance as proper human beings, and that is all. Nothing more,

If that's the case, why did they leave all these hidden files in the game? They made the decision at some point that the files would not be used, so why weren't they just removed? The game developers must have known that people would find these files eventually. Unless I'm giving the developers too much credit, and

This is the real reason. Dickerson looked like he was irritated that Laird's head got in the way of his bat. The least he could have done was to pretend to be concerned.

Are you a real person?

There's nothing worse than falling asleep on the couch and being awakened by the sound of a haunted TV.

It felt like a sketch from Portlandia.

I wouldn't say that the commercials are bad, they're just really weird. And weird gets attention, especially in the age of the hipster.

I was skeptical at first, but the lobby is really winning me over. Glad to see the game is embracing its greatest strength: the lobby.

These pics are great, but I would love to have seen what the lobby looks like.

The lobby did not impress me tbh.

I don't even care who wins. I just watch it for the questions. And Alex Trebek.

Ya, wtf Kotaku. I want regurgitated news, not original content. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Thank you.

You can find a way to make fun of any group. Don't take it too personally.