
Whether the stereotypes are true or not doesn't matter, they still exist. Those stereotypes probably exist in the first place because of the people who don't interact with black people.

I think Richie Incognito is more of an asshole than a racist.

It does seem like very little...but it's better than nothing.

Obviously, you're joking.

I didn't even know that kids this young were playing online. I think the people making these videos don't realize how young these kids are. Can you imagine anyone actually doing this in real life? To a 6 year old? It's not like it's hard to make kids this young cry, but it's kind of sick that they're intentionally

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Your post was so pretentious, that I read it in the voice of a southern gentleman.

Most people aren't used to interacting with trangenders. It's likely that the comedian never even considered that this was a transgender. It's not like he could have talked to her beforehand to understand the situation. He called her "it", which does seem pretty offensive IF he knew she was a transgender. If he

I can't imagine going through life as a transgender like she is doing. It takes a lot of courage, obviously.

But people are going to be confused, not sure what to make of it when they see her. I wonder if maybe the comedian thought she was just a man dressing up as a woman as a joke? I don't mean to be offensive,

12. Smoke

Someone's mad that beige came in last place...

Since when was stealing considered a prank? I guess I'll head down to Best Buy later and prank them out of a TV. Hahaha, comedy.

Finally, a list I can agree with.


I guess it wasn't a fumble...

Let them hammer it into this new generation's brains so they won't have to make videos like this 20 years from now.

I would switch Teacher's Union and Bill Murray. Chicago f'n loves Bill Murray.

So everything they just showed in that video was false? It's just giving some information about a new console, chill out.

The fact that it was provided by Sony itself is a good thing, because the information is reliable. It's a short, compact video highlighting some of the features of the ps4. If that doesn't belong

When I read it, I pictured a suitcase made out of candy.

This was just a joke. He's not going to bore everyone with a serious opinion on the movie when there's dozens of other videos that do that. They're just jokes man...just jokes...

They do. But only so they can troll the comments. Maybe not so much here...but old people on facebook sure have a lot to say.

I don't know, being white is pretty easy for me.