Captain Tangent is totally rad()

Yeah, the last third of this one is spiritual pap.

I was thinking it would be called 358Godzilla/2 Kong

You’ll pine for the days of Godzilla x Kong when the sequel .kong//Godzilla comes out.

Kinja sites have been on a downward trajectory for a while now

Nowhere else to put this, really, but RIP AV Club’s comment section. I hope a rat crawls up Spanfeller’s ass and tears him apart from the inside out, but not in a kinky way. 

I have reported several people for antisemitic comments including one word comments like “kike,” “yid,” and “jew.”

There is a huge reason why I have one not mentioned: I can get a matte finish. Back in the day you could actually order a MacBook Pro with a matte screen, and for those of us that perform on stage without glare it was a godsend. And exact same thing for my phone - I loathe the reflections. So for $10 I buy a matte

The key to keeping Spa on the calendar is obvious... Belgium needs to become an absolute monarchy or dictatorship with a garbage human rights record and the willingness to throw oodles upon oodles of money at F1 for sportswashing purposes.

I read it all. This is healthy internet. I agree with your sentiment in my experience. I actually ended up a finance guy unfortunately (I’m in the nonprofit world). That decision was made somewhat based on peer pressure. Though, I didn’t have parents that understood the importance of looking into my true interests

Well I’m jelly of your skills. I think it’s probably more along the lines of you have to be interested to understand the topic. Then you need to have some base understanding of the topic to know how cool the thing is.

You already have "got gud", you don't need to uninstall steam or read a book, and I'm yet to meet anyone who cries "developers intent" who has even the slightest clue about how developers intent actually works.

It’s stark how good your science content is on this site to some of the others. great stuff.

You are absolutely correct. My apologies. I had rewritten that paragraph a few times and I had missed why it was kept in there. That is absolutely my fault for missing it. So the article has been updated to remove the “disability doesn’t equal impairment” line. I hope it now makes more sense. - Steve

Hi, accessibility specialist here, with a background in UX before that. You’ve actually misread the paragraph. He didn’t saydisability isn’t just impairment”, he said “disability doesn’t equal an impairment”. This is citing the social model of disability, something fought for for decades of the disability rights

Don’t worry, I’ve got you:

Cult of the Lamb has a bunch of difficulty levels, and it even lets you do things like turn off time passing and make yourself invincible. I, personally, don’t use those options. But I also don’t mind at all that they’re there. It doesn’t change my experience at all, so why would I care if others use them?

They could probably get the Petro Star storage facility across the way from Valdez proper to kick in a few bucks.

They took the idea to the local planning committee. But unfortunately, the joke went right over the chairperson’s head...

At least I know its not just me. The statue is fine. But what is that he is stepping on? Is it a tesseract bench? It is in the way 2 dimensional flatlanders” would perceive it?...

My brain has completely failed to perceive those shapes as a “bench.” Is it a Magic Eye thing? Do I need to cross my eyes or something?