Captain Tangent is totally rad()

The car will be revealed on October 6, the fifth anniversary of the company’s first Formula One World Championship.

Both Schuey and Lewis got a lot of hate during their dominant runs, but it took awhile. What I’m surprised with is how quickly people turned on Max, by the time he won his second championship he was already the evil bad guy.

Max deserves more credit than people are giving him for maximizing the current RB. I’m not sure any other driver on the grid gets second with that car.

Tongue in Check

Autoblog was my go to for years and years. Then they kept changing their comment section to the point that it was unusable and I found Jalopnik.

It’s probably just some hair-brained idea a DaimlerChrysler engineer had

Tom McParland has written about that sort of thing actually. His wife is disabled and he has documented some of the stuff that goes into it for other people.

Andy, You should write an article on how to get a good used wheel chair lift van. In the past I have recommended the older ones built on a full sized van that are considered “obsolete” because they don’t have the modern safety features to prevent the wheel chair user from being crushed if they put their body in the

The van was $11,000 and the repair bill is $11,000?

The whining noise you hear in forward gears is coming from the driver’s seat, from someone longing for the days of carbs, choke cables, drum brakes and other Victorian technology.

Looks like an easy gig but your mistakes are there for everyone to see.

I take it that enough people managed to prevent themselves from being bounced to The Root in order to comment then? Because I sure didn’t.

Something I think a lot of people don’t realize is that Checo is currently the only Latin-American driver in F1. He’s also likely the most successful Mexican race car driver ever. The repercussions of him leaving F1 could be severe to certain people. Food for thought.


Thank you!

Would’ve been nice if the author included the patch ID (KB5039211) in this article.

I think there’s a better name for them than Chair Droids. They are literally... Pilot Seats.

You are incorrect, good sir! Although the word jury rig is indeed a thing, the word jerry-rigged is too, so his use was fine. Your pedantry is out line! From Websters:

Incoming pedantry!  The phrase is “jury-rig” not “jerry-rig.” Unless this guy’s name is, in fact, Jerry. In that case, carry on, I guess.

Mojo Jo Jo?