Captain Tangent is totally rad()

They’re apparently rebooting it all.

Dominion was the best of the terrible Jurassic World trilogy, and yes I will die on this hill.

You’re absolutely right, Starve. You in particular shouldn’t vote. But you’re not as powerless as you feel. You and Crystal and Julia could open a women’s support group.

Pretty sure he can go by both.

“If you’re asking “Dean Who?”, please allow me to introduce myself,”

Palworld’s release is honestly the most baffling thing I’ve seen in gaming in YEARS. Like some hodgepodge slop indie studio comes along, decides to make the overscoped game every Pokémon fan dreamed of when they were 9 and Forrest Gump-style stumbles their way into a critical success with a NAT20 roll. I get how the

Yup and have them spin it opposite directions you know coriolis effect, but THEN have them switch directions and watch everyone go flying off into space lol.

Poor dear does not realize he is talking about wanting Biden to show his big cock in public.

Hey, at least you didn’t get “she would swallow Uranus,” which was what I expected.

Your mom’s a perfect structure of information!

Did they use AndroidTV or was it just built on Android before? I think it was the latter, but I don’t use either. I tried fireTV once and it was so bad I never looked back.

I would rather have an Nvidia Shield in every room. We’ve done Rokus for years and years and I have 2 Android TVS. One thing I’m not good about is

OK, so I know this is a serious subject and that the US is woefully behind in protecting people’s digital privacy. But...I can’t help but laugh when I think about all the valuable information that foreign governments will glean about me if they’re spying on my push notifications. I’m sure they’ll be happy to learn

I’d be able to take cricket more seriously if they didn’t talk like “Rahul hit a dibbly-dobbly for a four to break the duck and then proceeded to sledge the bowler.”

We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese!

Then they’re going to wonder what South Park is all about.

The beam was sent to Utah?

I commented elsewhere as well, but the 2-CD soundtrack is worth checking out for the alternate version tracks and the Louis Prima EP.

It’s a pretty interesting term, though. Crocs are known to shed tears while eating, so way back in the BCE times it was a saying that crocodiles wept for their victims as they ate them. The saying basically called out people who privately wished harm on others but then publicly mourned for them after harm befell them

The answer to the second puzzle is simple: 11. Diagonal AC is the same length as diagonal OB, and OB is the radius of the circle. OD is also the radius, with of course the same length, which is the sum of the OC (6) and CD (5) segments.