Captain Tangent is totally rad()

Parents Idiots are increasingly finding ways to keep their children unvaccinated

I believe you may have missed something in your interpretation of the post, sir.

I love you, you magnificent bastard.

Honestly F1 COULD be bigger in the states, the primary issue, aside form there being very few F1 races, is if a US fan wants to watch the race live, you have to be up at absurd hours to watch, because of the time difference, it’s what it’s starting at 10 at night for the Vegas race.  I say fuck it, start it at a

That’s it. I’ve had it. Going to jump out a window now :-/

You’re confusing “win the day” with “winning”. Kind of a “win the battle, lose the war” sort of difference?

Yeah.  Haha.  A bit lame I know.  But been using it for literal decades now.

Anything except “irregardless” will suffice as far as I’m concerned.

Well that’s slightly better - but making that the OPTION is a stupid move IMO

“Were you the kind of person who passed on Google Glass because it didn’t make you a big enough asshole? Do you have no idea how social interaction works? Are you like us and don’t have any understanding of how people use smartphones? Do you also believe weather is a government conspiracy and doesn’t actually exist?

Please tell Big Money Jim to go fuck himself. I’m sure he’ll axe the Root next

Ugh. Vegas is just foul. I don’t think I will be watching it.

Damn, high school German finally paid off... Face in need of a punch!

I hope they don’t completely screw you and others over with this ban. I’m all for banning performance enhancing devices that all the FPS kiddies are running around with and stroking their egos with as actually skill. Those need to go but if this sweep ban catches your devices, fuck MS! 

For some context around how guidelines might look, google WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), which are written and updated by the W3 to present a minimum standard of web accessibility.

Hopefully Microsoft will be willing to work with people affected by this change who need accessibility solutions to play.

Shit! That sucks! Well fuck you Microsoft! 

Yeah, California basically turns into Alabama as soon as you go north of the Bay or away from the coast.

My wife and I did early in-person voting this morning. Two votes for yes on 1 (and 2 BTW). Now it’s up to the rest of the state. I’m encouraged by how MANY people turned out to defeat the Right’s attempt to remove Issue 1 from the ballot back in August.

I’m ready to go back to a text based internet.