Captain Tangent is totally rad()

Ah, the magic ambiguity of the English language, where both statements are correct.

It’s spelled “Cait Sith” but it’s pronounced “Throatwarbler Mangrove”

Please credit the independent local outlet that has been covering this story doggedly since long before the mainstream press began paying attention, PubliCola, which was responsible for most of the breaking-news stories that were later picked up by larger outlets. PubliCola was the first to cover the footage of the

I had a ton of CTDs running on Ultra (Intel Xeon x2, a 3080 and 256GB RAM, 35" monitor), but I just attributed that to my computer being an ascended server. Been running fine otherwise on “High” settings. Load times tend to be snappy, but big worlds can take some time on PC so that would have to be very annoying at 3x

That's pretty cool.  Actually do own this this soundtrack on CD.  And Gizmodo is probably the only news site to announce it.

Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds!

Starting to think this is a viral marketing ploy from Richard Mille...

Conference Room E is nowhere near big enough to hold all the far-right corpses that would result from your policy. Otherwise it seems sound.

I hate you for making me laugh at that.

I’m sorry, but none of them look even a little bit like Marlon Brando.

Dexter Jettster contemplating the ineluctable loss  of all things? Now that’s some pure uncut Glup Shitto 

“If Remini does not believe in free speech, then she should consider emigrating to Russia.”

No worries; we’re all Olds now. :) Thx for the talk.

Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.

One MIGHT even argue that if the only reason you’re NOT a raping murderous psychopath is because you’re afraid of consequences AFTER you die - then you MIGHT not actually even be a good person even if you’re NOT out there murder-raping everyone!

I think you raise an excellent point, one I hadn’t considered (which I really should have, as I was just setting up a system for a friend with MS to control his PC with his mouth). More options are always better!

I’m not an approved commenter here.

::Tongue firmly in cheek mode activated::
I would argue that Bahamut isn’t as powerful as Donald Duck, but merely that this is evidence that... Bahamut IS Donald Duck.
Consider, Donald Duck is, seemingly, an adult male duck. Another word for an adult male duck is a drake. Donald is, if not the king of Disney’s ducks,

If the word “cis” is a now labeled a slur on Twit, thousands of alkene chemists are in for a big surprise.

Um, Tidal was the one who STARTED this whole thing. That was their entire schtik from the very beginning, highest possible quality streaming music.