Captain Tangent is totally rad()

No, the eclipse won’t cross over eight towns named Nineveh.

Hey, in the context of Comment Section End Times, I have endlessly appreciated your dedication to superb comment formatting. Block quotes ftw, oh holy one.

“In terms of antisemitic content, TikTok is rife with it.”

That’s certainly what it feels like. Those games seem like zero effort to put on Steam, as they’re very-much-completely finished single-player games with no online capabilities or servers to maintain, and they’ve already been ported to PC... Replace the Epic manifest with Steam’s, toss up some product pages, print

Kingdom Hearts’ stubborn (forgotten?) ongoing EGS exclusivity is what I think of to remind me that the two companies deserve zero faith in being, uh, not horrible.

Another person on team matte! Yay for friction and boo to phones being smudged-up pocket mirrors. Too bad matte screen protectors are almost* universally a compromise - the glass ones are never particularly “matte,” and the TPU plastic ones don’t really do the “screen protector” part.

No disappointment involved working for a nonprofit/NGO! If I may ask, what would’ve been your dream subject/study/profession/etc. had you not been steered toward financial stuff? (Either what you desired as a high schooler or your present-day thoughts with 20/20 hindsight, take your pick... Or tell me to pound sand;

Indeed, knowing a bit about a topic and being interested in that topic usually go hand in hand. (I was going to blather on about this “Tiny thing has gravity too!” article as an outlier, but I sounded like a reductive jerk - err, moreso than usual! - so nope. [ETA: this comment is too long anyway])


Hardcore Gamers(tm) think that my successful CotL playthrough on “bonkers easy” mode, in an entirely single-player game, somehow detracts from their playthrough on “bonkers hard”... Ignoring the fact that I’m a quadriplegic and being able to play the game at all is a personal achievement. I get the feeling their heads

Yes! The details of this are nigh incomprehensible - most of my physics knowledge has leaked out of my ears in the [redacted] years since college - but this hard science coverage is delicious. What separates us from the, uh, uninterested(?) is a love of the pursuit of knowledge in any form, even if it doesn’t have any

Seconded. I understand the original purpose of the “approved commenter” methodology - essentially, having real contributions get priority and relegating trolls to “the greys” - but it doesn’t work anymore. Nobody seems to un-grey honest commenters anymore; someone might be approved on one site but not another; yet the

Superb! Bonus points for the long-distance coverage.

Aw here I am making dumb jokes, and you reply with something sincere, informative, and actually on-topic.

Make it huge and dedicate an entire island to the statue! They could even name it Ri—ohhnoooooo...

This right here approaches the level of anti-Occam’s Razor nonsense that matches perfectly with the prequels. Well done.

Oh, great. Jurassic Solar System?

I just watched these movies for the first time this past week, and Dominion was... fairly decent? I was aware of the hate, but honestly it’s just as bad, err, good as the other two. The version I watched was the extended cut though - maybe the theatrical run sucked for all I know.

In English-speaking countries (particularly the US) - we mispronounced it to the point that the company eventually gave up. Go ‘murica *ugh*

At least the police will introduce this FAFO walnut to the real maison des champs