Captain Tangent is totally rad()

My $1500 custom quad-friendly controller agrees with you :P

Thanks for writing this excellent article. I’m also baffled by this design and can’t imagine how I (quadriplegia) would be able to play much of anything with it.

Fresh out of sympathy for this guy and his quest to flush [honestly, not enough of] his money down the drain. It’s the nature of the hopeless third-way vanity project game.

There is only one car allowed to be painted white; therefore [in my imaginary world], 36% of the globe drives an R8. Warp me to that world, please.

[I don’t really have anything to add - this game does look pretty dumb and derivative, but I wasn’t going to play it anyway - but I wanted to commend you on your excellent metaphor work! Carry on]

I did the same when it showed up clicking through the recommendation queue (also, what on earth did I do to have Steam think I’d be interested in this atrocity??) I watched the video thumbnail and read the description and reviews, and it was like trying to resolve the meaning of the MAGA Mona Lisa.

All I can say is “waah”

Side question: is the sagging headliner a chronic Porsche thing? We have a 2007 Cayman whose headliner is completely detached at this point, barely clinging on at the edges... I’m just wondering if that’s common for the brand (and/or other marques under the VAG umbrella), or if it’s just a result of my sample size of

Ha, that was my takeaway from the article... Send the Secret Service after him for felony grammarslaughter.

Holy cow, that blue and those wheels are Peak Subaru (which is good!)

with his Chiron now renamed ‘Coup de Foudre,’

I love that exhaust note and the bonkers red-line - listening to it, I think “hey, that’s the shift point, right?” and then it carries on like a banshee for another second and almost an entire octave. A+ to Dremel-like crazy Yamaha engines!

Set myself up, as expected. Have a star to make up for Betelgeuse’s absence next week. (Look look, totally on-topic comment!)

While that is indeed an interesting fact, I caution you not to convey such information in a structure so perfectly set up for a your-mom joke.

My [disabled person’s] thoughts exactly. Nintendo doesn’t think we exist.

Thank you for busting out the stoichiometry, math friend!

The musical, hopefully.

I think I built nearly this same exact car in Forza Horizon, which is an automatic ND for reality in my book.

Ugh, this sounds miserable. It’s interesting to see, I’ve learned some similar tricks to make up for dulled senses (yay incomplete quadriplegia), but I’m not able/trying to operate as a functional independent adult. As you mentioned, it’s easy, and honestly rather appealing, to “retreat” from the world that no longer

Well dang me, someone else remembers Roger Miller as the (sorta-)narrator! I haven’t seen this movie in perhaps decades, and I can’t remember much about it at all (everything I thought I remembered was actually Sword in the Stone or Jungle Book, two other classics of the time), but ol’ Roger’s musical storytelling is