Captain Tangent is totally rad()

I believe you misspelled “excellent!”

I’m not letting nuance get in the way of a good C+ grade snark


On-topic: Even though this race is in my weird daily routine’s sweet spot (Australia’s the only other one), I don’t care about the Vegas GP at all. It’s not even a matter of the championship being settled, as I’m a midfield/backmarker fan. Abolish F1 street races - yes, including Monaco.

First of all: no. But more importantly,

But in the spirit of Wile E. Coyote, resilience and persistence win the day

On Desktop (Windows): Settings -> Sync and backup -> [click the arrow to expand advanced settings] -> turn “Files On-Demand” off

Johnson comes off as disingenuous and rather smarmy

Another person asking the important questions ;)

We have Max by way of the HBO package on our cable sub (I know, get off my lawn), and I’m irritated that we’re being downgraded. That package costs plenty more than $20, to the point where the ~$4 difference between the 1080p and 4K plans is irrelevant.

Of the Big Three console makers, MS/Xbox seems to be the most likely to actually care about their limited-ability users (Sony: lol; Nintendo: LOLOLOL)... However, you’ll have to pardon me for not holding my breath. I foresee myself eventually being a PC-only gamer by force, not choice, which of course plays right into

Most Accessibility Accessories Should Still Work

Hey, that was the first draft of my comment ;)

Bingo. I need a Cronus adapter to get my custom (quad-friendly) controller to work on [any] console; if they ban Cronus/Titan-type accessories, they’ll inconvenience the cheaters, but they’re effectively banning people like me from the entire console.

Like the vast majority of disabled gamers, I need to use a Cronus/Titan adapter to get my custom accessible controller to work with my Xbox (or any other console) - so in blocking “competitive edge” devices and inconveniencing cheaters, they’re blocking people like me from the entire console.

Slow your roll, you’re treading on my turf there

But thank God land doesn’t vote!

Oh my, I was not ready for that... Pardon me while I fetch the prune juice and Depends

Resizing the window still works on desktop - for now...

It is indeed the remnant of god-knows-what subframe element! I just set up a new Windows install, so this is all fresh in my head - I use UBlock’s “element picker” (‘dropper’ icon) to block all sorts of extra trash, including the “read more” section (or “more from [site]”, I forget what it’s called) at the bottom, so