Captain Tangent is totally rad()

These all look juuust similar enough that the correct course of action is to buy the whole set, drive a different one to work every day, and watch your coworkers slowly go insane...

Good thing Kinja didn’t parse that ;)

One can only hope...

Credit where credit is due: that is a unique[-ly bonkers] setup. I can’t begin to imagine where a Xeon slots in on the i3/5/7/9 scale for gaming purposes, but I’ll bet it’s a boss at stuff like late-game Civ? And that’s enough memory to load the entirety of Starfield into a (very tedious to maintain) ramdisk...

If this tour teaches us anything, it’s that this town needs an orchestra[!]

I’d have way more sympathy* for these energy companies if they weren’t sitting on thousands of untouched drilling/mining/etc. leases across the country. Now pardon me while I walk past my two undriven cars so I can go lease a third one.

Hey, honest question time regarding this line:

Godzilla Minus One: This Time It’s Mersenne

Fair point, but given the far right’s attitude toward communicable diseases, I do have an innovative solution. Pretty sure there’s even a great future in it.

I propose exercising CPAC - every hour on the hour, all speakers and attendees must do 20 minutes of (actual, heart rate and sweat) cardio. Conference Room E is designated the makeshift morgue. Hope your speech is scheduled on the first day.

Agreed; why on earth he gets to play fast and loose with actionably-defined terminology is beyond me, and absolutely infuriating.

Hang on, was this... actual investigative journalism? Your punishment shall be 10 Hail Clickbaits and 30 padded slideshows

If she hadn’t been “rescued,” DeSantis would have to tell the story with a deadpan tone

Bingo. The party that gave you constant pearl-clutching over “Barack Hussein Obama!!!” - spearheaded by the birther king himself - isn’t going for:

Four Dex-thumbs up for remembering such an obscure fake character name, but this star is for “inelecutable”

Ha, you jest, but my brother drives an ‘06 GTO, and it’s universally mistaken as a Grand Am or G6... It’d be a real treat for someone to call it what it truly is - a Monaro - but there’s at least small comfort that it smokes those “nice Grand Am” jerks off the line.

Let her be the VP nominee, by all means! I don’t mean to jinx it, but either party’s nominee duo needs to win over at least some moderates/independents/mostly-mythical swing voters... and a Trump/Marge ticket is toxic to pretty much everyone outside of the Trump base. (I swear I am not trying to supersede your powers,

Sign me up too! Unfortunately though, that’d be a couple million people, which would substantially reduce the state’s congressional representation and consistently blue electoral votes (they’d still be deep blue, just not as many), in addition to increasing the population -> congressional seats -> electoral power of

Oh absolutely, everyone down here *cough cough dad cough* has been more or less brainwashed into thinking Chicago is the scourge of the state and we’d be so much better without the city (imaginary apocalyptic crime rates, strict gun laws that are only for Chi/Cook County that they *cough brother* pretend are coming

Yikes; you have my condolences for having to deal with that nonsense.