Captain Tangent is totally rad()

Pepperidge Farm remembers. I’m still, uh, fascinated? that Rauner earned the state a cumulatively-massive array of credit rating downgrades, and mismanaged the state’s finances (again, being such an incorrigible walnut that he couldn’t pass a budget) to the point that lottery winners were getting IOUs. Pritzker’s not

Ugh, thanks-no-thanks for reminding me that Rauner existed. I mean, we’re used to corruption here (hi Blago), but ol’ Bruce was next-level. Budgets are for losers.

ExpressVPN is decent, but it’s pretty ding-dong expensive compared to most. Also, you’re right, the company’s pretty shady, but you’re also correct in acknowledging that none of these companies deserve your trust based solely on what they claim about themselves.

So last I checked, this asinine stunt, like a filibuster, can get shut down via 60-vote cloture. Has Schumer even tried to do so and override this regressive doofus? Surely there are ten-ish Republicans who realize that this whole “our military has no proper leaders” rubbish is a far bigger deal than *spitballing* a

Huzzah, somebody else cares about this nigh-irrelevant grammar rule!

This bond is later exploited in service of the movie’s preoccupation with humankind prevailing over nature

Hang on, “$cashtags” too? Nope. The thought of managing tweets with @a, $x, and a bunch of #c at the end gives me an input-sanitizing panic attack.

For what it’s worth, it provides a teeny bit of accountability - I assume they’ll include harsher penalties for people who commit violations if they’re driving an applicable car and have this sham license? I mean, it’s barely anything (if they’re even doing it that way), but it’s not quite nothing.

As would most of us, I presume, if we all started out with daddy’s emerald mine money. I also presume most of us would not buy a company for a comically over-valued sum and then proceed to destroy said company - that doesn’t seem to be a good investment strategy. But what do I know, I’m not a bazillionaire rocket

Tech guy? He only wishes. All he knows how to do is run a business*.

Proof you’re more of a tech/science guy than Elon: you’re willing to admit (and accept) when you don’t know something. That’s kinda science’s whole foundation.

We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine

One of the (many, many) standouts to me, I think partially a result of my dislike of Maggie G and/or the Rachel Dawes character, is how her death subverts the usual “important character gets a triumphant speech before they die” standard.

Yeah, that bugs the heck out of me. Biden might be trying to change things at the border - even if it’s not as much as we commie pinko libruls want - but everything gets held up in court, so policy’s still stuck in Trump mode. Which is, as you said, cruel and inhumane to actual people. (I wonder, what if there were a

Indeed, I’ve not seen one first-hand, but I’d say “pretty clear” would describe most ghost boners.

Thanks! Now I know what name to use when I’m shouting at you from the greys ;)

Oh, good points. And since you brought it up, I really hate the way qualifying is min-maxed anymore, i.e. a few drivers totter out at the beginning/middle of the session, but the only laps that matter are at the very end where everyone tries to be last out of pit lane to maximize rubbering in and hopefully get a good

I’m down for that mayhem! *letthemfight.gif* I’d almost say to make it like the Indy 500 - “we’ve got 20 grid slots; everybody out there go to town” - but that’s probably too drawn out and complicated to do each week (although the old-school pre-qual and such you mentioned covers those bases in a more manageable

*Disclaimer: Boner not liable for inevitable legal smackdown resulting from sovereign citizen-related baloney

Exactly; this is 100% greed from the existing teams.