415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Reviews don’t seem great, I often disagree with reviews but...

It’s getting crazy with the cats, I work for a company that has us drive our trucks home. One of the F550 guys had the cat stolen and he started it up one morning... and he said he spit coffee all over the place haha. But yeah be careful if you street park etc..

I think they must be coming, I don’t see makers going all in on EV trucks, they might offer one  but a hybrid plug in makes much more sense in the meantime. I want to commute in one and be able to take it way off the road without charging it with a generator. I would probably bring the generator but then I need a lot

They are smart, the Aussie now US Ranger is also very Japanese looking. I’m from Hawaii where Tacoma is king, only people really attached to another brand buy anything else. 

It’s really depressing to know there are so many of these moron Trump supporters out there. I’m a stagehand and I can’t go back to my job until things get better and these idiots are starting the pandemic all over again, it seems. I got a job for half the money and it’s no small thing to learn a whole new trade. All

Well I’m not buying anything until they have a plug in hybrid. I have a 1952 Dodge M37, and if I did buy a modern one, I would have to be able to commute in it. I’m hoping Toyota makes a 4Runner or Tacoma as one, I’ll look at the Bronco as well since I don’t need a bed because I have a pickup if I really need to move

I’d just chop it off and put an ARB bumper on it, I’m sure they will make one. 

An RV aircraft with Nam era fuel consumption, great!

Miriam is hilarious, she did that series in the UK where pensioners see if they could retire in India. She talks about her gas half the time.

I agree, is this not connected to the studio? I mean it’s one of the most popular things ever in Japan, they must have money. I’ve been there when I lived there. It’s a pretty cool place, but poor?

A BMW is right at home on the autobahn. 

It baffles me, I guess you have to be really really stupid to go along with these people. We have had hippie antivaxxers in the past, but somehow the knuckle dragger rednecks are getting on board. I am so disappointed in humanity, wtf are we going to do with this. 

Why do they almost never make the pretty things for us. 

That was a good book, feels like a million years ago. For sure the longest I’ve waited for a project. 

Toyota fans are ravenous and won’t buy a Ford if they know it’s coming. I want a plug in hybrid 4Runner or Tacoma. 

Never mind that SFO, San Jose and Moffett are all in the area with tons of air traffic. 

Yeah that was wild, I was pretty high when I watched it so I thought it was pretty cool. 

And how many laps can it do?