415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Well it’s transportation, even if they only bring people into low orbit it starts the timeline to when less wealthy people might take a flight. For $30k or so you can go to Russia and get pretty damn high up in a MIG. I would love to go up in a U-2, James May’s trip in one was amazing. 

Oh fuck Tesla, I’m rooting for Branson! 

Til death do us part, things like that

He is pretty dumb but he knows he is lying to them and it’s pretty amazing they have no idea that he loathes the poors. 

Says the stupid man to his really stupid followers. It’s pretty astounding how dumb these people are. The fact that it hasn’t really gotten any better since the shit show presidency gives me little faith that the intelligent people in the world can overcome the idiots trying to destroy themselves. I mean, being

Well when I was in Afghanistan I saw mining geologists looking for them. I started to think we were staying there for the rare earth minerals. 

I’ve always said a Taurus SHO motor needs to be swapped into these. They look the part and it’s a good motor.

I watched Thundercats but I never watched that back then. 

I don’t want a Jeep but I will buy a PHEV Bronco if it is good, I wish they made a PHEV 4Runner actually.

I was there off and on for years, it will only change from within. 

I worked with British and Aussie Marines there and we did plenty, you are most certainly a part of it. 

Yeah I’m not a Seb fanboy but it kind of makes me sick thinking about Seb at daddy’s team. How can you take them seriously when he buys his kid a team? 

I saw a blue one, they look nice. I do wish they had not made it Mustang related. I’m not a Stang guy, I have a Datsun, but it’s just strange going with that. I’d rather they made an EV Ford emblem. 

He likes “fashion” don’t you get fashion? It totally looks like a 1992 Miami grandma outfit.

The thought has crossed my mind, some drivers just have terrible timing. 

I have a 71' and I don’t like the bumper off, so I’m a little conflicted about the new car. I much prefer my car with a thin bumper.

So is a 240Z, the difference is with the S30 the thin 7o’s bumper splits it and breaks it up. I didn’t really notice that until I took my car apart to restore it.