415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Yeah I’m hoping but maybe just going to live in denial. I do that with Star Wars, I liked Rogue One and Mando but the rest after RotJ is just awful. 

My friend’s dad worked at ILM through that time and he leaves it off his resume, but you can see it on IMDB! He worked on our childhood.

So it’s project time! :D 

Considering they believe in fantasy, or just lie about it, I doubt it!

JB Weld #Fixed or motorcycle sales are about to skyrocket...

I can’t hate this Korean Bentley. 

I am in deep trouble when masks go away

I am in deep trouble when masks go away, I’ll make a face and roll my eyes like I had it on. I lived in Japan for a while and people wear them when they don’t feel well, all places should do that, less people would get a cold at the very least. 

I really like masks so I can hide my reactions in public at work, can’t hide the eye rolling, but sunglasses help. I basically nod to say hi to strangers in passing, I guess that hasn’t really changed. 

At this point the US should fly some C-5s over there with the ACoE and build some huge camps in large open spaces to keep people in beds with supplies. The medical personnel is a problem, there just isn’t the number of people needed for this. We went to India a few years ago and I can’t imagine a big outbreak in a

Every car company on Earth has or will have EVs, the companies that actually know how to build a car. So the competition is coming, EVs will be the norm soon, we will just call them cars. 

And they may even reward him someday after his biggest crash and depart for Indy Car. 

Nah they have had tons of help from the Russians and wouldn’t be in space without them. 

And they couldn’t have built anything to go into space without the Russians. Their recent first aircraft carrier, not built by Russians, has killed a lot of pilots, they like to hide that but they haven’t had a good understanding of carrier operations so I can only imagine space flight.

We do need a lot more Nazi asses being kicked, given the current increase in right wing politics. Killing Nazis is a national pass time if you ask this Marine, I don’t know who these fascists are that call themselves American patriots! 

Mads Mikkelsen would make a great Belloq type of character.

They were good in that. I worked on Lost with Monaghan. He didn’t seem to like fame, he always looked fidgety in public places,  people were always looking at him.

Wow that thing is ugly, BMW has some competition there!