415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

“I don’t have that privilege”..... It’s hard to believe he said that haha

The normal ones are not expensive, the are really great off road vehicles. The military use them.

Yes I believe that would work, I have modified flatheads heads, that’s redundant, flat heads?

Oh I know, I live north of the Monterey Bay Aquarium and they have massive tanks made from the same stuff. I guess I jut wonder how much the buildings on either side will settle and how long it will be ok up there, there is nothing else in the middle but water and acrylic! 

The problem I see coming is for those of us who live in condos. There are no charging stations and I don’t even want to think about the HOA meetings. They need some kind of incentive to install charging or a plug in hybrid is all I would ever buy. My Acura I use to commute (well not right now) has a lot of life left

Wanna try a new pool in London? I don’t..

Yeah those are nuts

It was a fin, not the tail but I’m sure it’s the same thing. I was surfing, I was just sitting there.

Came here to say the same thing

I’m from Hawaii but I’m in NorCal now, I got a big tandem kayak we plan to go up to WA with. There are some Orca hot spots I’ve read about, it could be a trip we take after all the covid stuff is over. I’ve mostly been around sharks, I have been close to some whales here and in Mexico over the years. I had a grey whale

I’ve been in the water with various creatures, I really want to get in there with Orcas. Sperm whales too, that video of them swimming with them is crazy, I want to feel the sound down there. 

Well someone takes it out for a drive sometimes


Wasn’t the Vulcan doing this first?

Oh I will when the Bronco comes in a plug in hybrid. 

Aptera is not dead, they are going EV now.

I want an EV Aptera. https://www.aptera.us/
