415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

I first went to college for archeology, then I was stuck in a lab cleaning pieces of pottery 90% of the time. I realized unless I do something interesting and publish etc.. I would make very little. I still don’t know if I made the right decision to leave it, I love archeology.

Yeah I love all of this stuff, but I was a Marine and now I’m a stagehand.

I’m sure the CIA have thought about bugging them up, maybe some important people want to try and look cool in a badly built EV, I’m sure the Teslas made in China will be even worse! 

I’d throw the robot down the aisle if that thing followed me around. I only shop at the hippie grocery store, no way they ever get a robot.

Bug eyes are too damn cheerful for me, but that is just unsettling...

OS Giken makes a new Hakosuka/Z432 motor... oh how I dream of buying one for my Z....

I just filled out their online question form.

Fuck Apple, I’m a stagehand and I’ve worked on their show a few times. The Apple people were all out of touch, entitled, condescending assholes. Never again.

I like a 55, I’m more partial to the wagons but before the larger fins I’m like them.

What miserable, boring people. If someone can play against others and do well enough for that league level, who cares?? Why do you care? 

I wish, I am a stagehand and have been working the past couple months running fiber optics for an internet provider. We are out in public all the time, but we are not on the list. 

They have a tiny cargo space, I rented one and there was no room for luggage for 3. 

Well I look at this thing as an Escape, I would never think to really go off road with it other than a dirt road.

Yeah, the fact that is was sunk saved it probably, if you think there are a lot of knuckle draggers today then there were far more back then. 

Just think of what has been lost

Yeah I have a condo and I have no idea when charging will be installed in the assigned spaces. I am up for a plug in hybrid but nothing else is really going to work until that happens. 

As always the money is in the maintenance, so can you afford it once you bought it?

Marlin Fitzwater said Bush ordered his own desk, which he has used since May 2, 1985, installed in the Oval Office on June 13. “He had it as vice president, and he got used to it, found it comfortable, thought it was attractive,” Fitzwater said, elaborating on Bush’s new work station.